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dan takes a few deep breaths, bracing himself against the wall opposite to the door of his apartment, his fingers still curled around the handle of his suitcase, his right shoulder occupied by a heavy bag. he feels unnecessarily lethargic, even though he had managed to sleep throughout the uncomfortable flight, and he lets out a short yawn before resting his head back against the wall with a small thud.

he is dreading the confrontation that is bound to happen between him and phil, and no matter how hard he wracks his brain for a logical explanation, he just can't come up with any.

his own betrayal is weighing down his shoulders, the heaviness of the bag almost neglected, and every time he remotely imagines phil's reaction to what he has done, he can feel a lump forming in his throat and his heart breaking into uneven splinters.

right now, he has no idea what would happen when he crosses the threshold of the apartment. he has no idea whether there would be cold greetings, awkward eye contacts and uncomfortable silences or meaningless apologies, unkempt hugs and watery eyes.

dan wishes for neither of them, and with his thoughts still scattered, he breathes out a heavy sigh as he drags his suitcase behind him towards the apartment and presses the buzzer.

his stomach twists uneasily when he hears adrian's voice, the fact that he will be in the house to witness his parents' odd exchange makes dan feel guilty and uncomfortable and emotions that he can't himself describe. he hates that adrian has to be the one suffering the consequences of their irrational actions, and all he can hope for now is phil's forgiveness-partly for the sake of him, partly, for adrian.

the door is swung back within the next few seconds, and dan can feel a small smile forming on his otherwise tired looking features as he stares at his son, clad in his pyjamas, his hair sticking up in different directions as he looks at dan with a dimpled smile.

"papa!" and before dan knows, adrian is wrapping his arms tightly around his torso, dan's smile widening a little more as he drops his suitcase and tangles his fingers in adrian's messy hair, ruffling them fondly.

"hey there," his voice is scratchy, but adrian doesn't seem to mind as he breaks their embrace and gets ahold of dan's suitcase in one hand and in the other he grips dan's hand, dragging both of them inside once the door is shut.

"how was your flight?" adrian's tone is bubbly and dan removes his shoes and drops the bag from his shoulder as well, before walking further into the house.

"it was okay, is dad home?" dan bites his lip as the statement leaves his mouth, and adrian nods happily, leaving dan to remove his jacket as he disappears further into the hall.

dan's mouth is almost dry as he anticipates meeting phil, he's afraid he won't be able to look at him in the eye. he shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over the back of one of the dining chairs, awkwardly standing in the hall for a few minutes as he waits for either phil or adrian to come outside; preferably adrian.

when a few more moments pass and nothing happens, he sighs and makes his way to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water, but to his luck-or lack of-as soon as he turns to step inside he bumps into a tall figure that definitely is not adrian, and when their eyes meet after what seems like years, they both just purse their lips and stand there awkwardly, barely five inches of space between them.

they stare at each other for a while, as dan contemplates silently about whether he should apologise or greet phil, but phil beats him to it, his soft lips stretching into a small smile as he leans in the doorway and barely mumbles.



thank you so much for 1 million ????? what the hell i really really do not deserve this oh my god

honestly you guys are the best ??? and i love you all so much ???? what would be the purpose of my existence without you ???????

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