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thin rays of sparse sunlight were struggling through the bay window, barely reaching the foot of the bed and the digital clock next to it blared five minutes to eight. dan groaned out of frustration, patting around the bedsheets to find phil, only burying his face inside the warm pillow when he found no one.

"phil!" he called, voice muffled by the pillow and he could hear phil's disinterested hum in response.

"where are you?" his tone trailed more into a whine as he opened his eyes, rubbing them tiredly with the back of his hand and sitting up straight in bed.

"bathroom!" phil's voice was echoey, and dan only groaned again, kicking the covers off his body and leaving the gradually pooling heat in his bed.

now that the days were inching closer to the mid of december, mornings were turning out to be a lot more chillier than they were previously, and dan took it upon himself to curse out the cold water that was running from the tap.

"good morning," phil spat the toothpaste in the sink, washing out his mouth and pressing a kiss on the top of dan's head, who's expression was one of discomfort as he hesitantly dipped his fingers under the cold water.

"god i have so many mixed feelings about winters," dan shivered slightly once phil's cold fingertips attempted to grip his waist and he just shrugged him off.

"phil! your hands are cold don't fucking touch me," phil only laughed in response to the meaningless statement, wrapping his arms tightly around dan's waist and placing a soft kiss against the back of his neck.

"i don't wanna go today," phil complained, warm breath cascading over the skin of dan's neck and the younger boy only nodded in response, leaning back in phil's grip.

"good luck with john if you don't," dan remarked, rolling his eyes and phil just giggled quietly.

"should i make eggs for breakfast or will you have coffee on the way?" phil asked, watching as dan dragged the toothbrush along his teeth.

"eggs," his words were barely comprehensible and phil furrowed his eyebrows.

"eggs?" he questioned just to be sure and dan just nodded, leaning back against phil again.

"alright i'm gonna go and make breakfast till then, you take a shower," phil pressed another kiss against dan cheek and dan only whined in protest, grabbing phil's arm and pulling him back, spitting into the sink and washing his mouth.

"no we can have one together it will save time," dan mumbled, gripping the bottom of his sweatshirt and reluctantly pulling it off, shivering once the cool air hit his skin.

"i don't think that's a good idea," phil trailed off, scratching the back of his head, messing his morning hair further. it wasn't like he didn't want to take a shower with dan, it's just that it wouldn't feel completely ordinary because it's been so long.

"come on," dan pushed and phil just pursed his lips. sure they have been much more comfortable around each other in the past two days but phil didn't feel exactly ready to jump in the shower with dan. he didn't protest though, he just shrugged his shoulders and discarded his shirt, watching as dan got out of his sweatpants and started the shower.

phil felt uncomfortable in the first few minutes, not knowing where to put his hands and where to look, whether he should start a conversation or just stay quiet and start washing up. he was half aware that he was thinking way too much about a simple shower and that dan and him were married and shouldn't be feeling awkward in such a basic situation.

just as he was about to grab the bottle of shampoo a soft gasp escaped his lips, and he tilted his head slightly to watch as dan smeared some cold shower gel on his chest, working the washcloth slowly over it.

"i know you feel a bit weird, i can tell," dan commented, voice lost in the pattering shower but phil only bit his lip, grabbing the bottle of shampoo and massaging his fingertips into dan's tangled hair.

"it's just been a long time," phil answered after a moment, and dan nodded in an understanding gesture, dragging the scratchy washcloth over phil's shoulder and down his biceps.

"we should do this more often yeah?" dan offered, shutting his eyes and tilting his head back to let the shower wash the shampoo from his hair, and they turned in their positions so that phil can get rid of the body wash lathered on himself too.

"yeah, if we have time," phil agreed and dan just smiled softly in response leaving a quick kiss against phil's lips before they swapped jobs.

half an hour later dan was shoving the last bits of egg in his mouth and phil was tying his shoelaces, dan dressed in a warm jumper and a jacket, and phil in his normal office attire of a shirt and a tie, only throwing on a suit jacket as well.

"you're looking so fucking hot, you have no idea what i'd do to you if we had more time," dan muttered under his breath, running his fingers through his hair frustratedly and phil only laughed in response as he locked the door, cheeks flushed.

"we'll have time after work," phil nudged him teasingly, and dan rolled his eyes, a small smile stretching across his lips.

"shut up,"

"do you want me to drop you?" phil offered once they made it down the stairs and dan raised his eyebrows in a pleasant surprise.

"do you have enough time?" phil glanced at the clock inbuilt in his phone and nodded, causing the smile on dan's face to stretch wider.

"then yes, thank you," dan placed a wet kiss against his cheek and phil rolled his eyes at him in an adoring gesture, telling him to wait while he brought the car out from the driveway.

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