(13) School- Beginning of Part Two

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This isn't happening.

One. Word. That can change a persons mood instantly.


Yes, I have school.

And we were on the longest, most glee filled break. The summer one.

But now, as I pack my things, getting ready to head to Play University- or they call it UniPlay- I think, 'Why me?'.

At least Felix was coming.

After being a doll and all, he didn't get Highschool. Or at least he got a year.

But all that mattered is he was coming with me.



I haven't been to this college, I just finished highschool.


I get out of the bus with my bags packed, and look over and see Felix smiling.

I look ahead and see a group of people.

A girl with chestnut hair like mine, with her bangs purple, a man with pink fluffy hair, a pink sweater, and red jeans, a man with glasses and a green sweater, and a girl next to the other girl with brown hair, and she has the same color hair, and she looks down shyly.

"Minx! Krism! Piggeh! Chair! Oh it's good to see you all!" Felix cries, hugging them.

They pull apart, and the man with pink hair comes up to me.

"Hi. You are awful cute." he purrs, shaking my hand, making me blush.

"Back off Piggeh, he's mine." Felix says, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I'm his.

I'm. His.

Me, Cry, is Felix's.

He kisses my cheek, and they all 'aww'.

We walk in, and see a swarm of teenagers and young adults hurry around.

We look at our schedules, and part ways.

Me and Pewdie are the only ones together now.

"What's your dorm number?" he asks, and checks his schedule.

"1134." I say, and he smiles.

"Me too. You're my room mate." he says, and I brighten up.


I wake up, realizing I fell asleep, a d grumble.

I see pewds next to me.

We were sleeping in the same bed.

I look at Pewds, and he is adorable sleeping.

I sigh, and start to drift back off into dream land.



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