(4) Breakups

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"I must be a burden, I am truly sorry Ryan. Is there anything I can do?" the swede asks, and I smile warmly at him. I just loved his accent.

"No, you are my guest. You are welcome here. I do have an extra bedroom, after all. But, tell me, why did you change into a human?" I ask.

"I think, my emotions got so out of hand, I just changed. I need to learn to control it." he says, and sighs, getting up.

"Well, let's not waist this rainy day! Let's do something!" he announces.

There is a knock on the door.

"Hang on." I tell him, and get up.

"Yes?" I say, opening the door.

It's Cheyenne.

"Look, I'm sorry I exploded at you earlier. I had a lot in my plate for the day." she says, twiddling her thumbs (xD) and tapping her foot.

"No, you're right. I shouldn't have 'cheated' on you." I say, even thought I was just giving a man a friendly hug.

"So, are we cool?" she asks.

Wait, what?

"Um, I am um..." I trail off, trying to think of an excuse.

"He is seeing someone else." Felix says, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I am..? I am!" I say, smiling at her.

"Oh, ok. Cool." she says, turning away.

She stops for a second, and then turns back, a little ticked.

"Why? I thought you loved me?" she says, stepping closer. "We had gone through so much. Twitter conversations, YouTube videos, and fanfictions!" she yells, still stepping closer.

Felix steps back, leaving me there to face the monster.

Then, out of no where, she slaps- more like punches- me. Hard.

I jerk left, and cup my cheek.

Felix steps in front of me, shielding me.

"Leave." he says, pushing me back.

She storms off, and he turns to me.

"Are you ok?" he asks, removing my hand from my cheek to examine it.

"Yes, thank you Felix." I say.

"Please, call me Pewdiepie." he says, bowing.

"Call me Cry." I say, and bow back.

"Now, let's go for a walk." he says, opening the door.

Something meets us there that I haven't seen before.




Welp, a run in with she-who-must-not-be-named.

And next... Truuuuubbblllelelelelelelel

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~




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