(3) Heartbreak

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Thanks if you are reading this, and ily if you commented. C:

I open the door to my house, and see the doll lounging on the couch.

He jumps up, and turns around to look at me with hopeful eyes.

"Well? Was she there? What did she say?!" he asks, jumping onto my arm excited.

I'll get the ice cream...

"I'm so sorry Felix, she was there, but she wasn't alone." I say, avoiding his eyes.

"W-what?" he asks.

"She was with a southern man, and..." I do not think I need to go on. The look on his face was all I needed.

"I- I am so sorry..." I say.

"I was going to propose." he says blankly. "I was going to whisk her away to Italy, and we were going to be happy."

My heart sinks down to my feet.

"I was going to marry her!" he screams, kicking the table and actually moving it.

"F-Felix..." I start.

I look down, and when I look back up, there isn't a doll there.

There is a full grown man, standing right in front of my toppled table.

He lunges towards me, and wraps me in a tight hug, crying on my shoulder.

"I... I loved her." he says into my shoulder, sobbing.

I hug him back even tighter.

"I know... I know." I say.

"Cry?! What the hell?" a female voice snaps at me from behind.

Startled, I turn around and see Chyenne standing there with a puzzled look.

"How dare you!" she snaps, and turns around.

"I thought we had a special relationship!" she cries, slamming the door behind her.

Wow that was dramatic.

I turn around, and see the blonde haired man looking at me.

"I- I'm sorry." he stutters.

"It's ok. I never really liked her anyway." I say.

That was harsh. Oh well.

Then it hit me. Wasn't he just a doll?

"Weren't you just a doll?!" I say, jumping back.

"... Yes I was! What the..." he says, sounding just as puzzled as me.

I study him.

Beautiful hazel-ish eyes, sandy blonde hair, headphones, and a tiny bit of muscles.

So, now here I am, with a fully grown man in my house.

Uh Oh.




It's 10:00 right now. I'm tiiiiired.

Well I hope you like it! Peace Cx.

-Fabulouspewdiecry :D

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