Chapter 26

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(Harry's POV)

*Fade In*

What's wrong with me? My body feels heavy and i can't see anything just darkness. I can feel movement below me and talking around. It's like i'm breathing but i'm not alive. i can just recognise the voices of Louis and Liam but can't quite make out what they are saying.

*Fade Out*

*Fade in*

Now it's all quiet. I'm scared i can't see anything, i just want to open my eyes but my eyelids are heavey and won't let me. Suddenly i hear a sound like doors opening and so many people talking at once I only manage to catch one voice and honestly i wish i hadn't because what scares me the most is what they are saying. 

"The procedure to stop the bleeding to the brain will begin in five minutes"

Ok now im panicking! I try to sit up and speak to tell them I'm awake but i can't i cant scream or shout i can't do anything.

"Sidate the pacient and then we can begin the procedure".


*Fade Out*

*Fade In*

Everything is still quiet the only difference now is there is steady beeping constantly repeating its self over and over again. Nothing has changed with me I still can't move or talk or open my eyes the scary thing is that i don't know what is going on.

Then I hear that noise again a door opening but this time there is no loud voices just a small gasp and then the footsteps of someones feet going along the hard floor. I feel their presence looking at me. I feel them grab my hand tightly. Then they start to speak.

"Harry, I'm so sorry for what has happened to you. You shouldn't have to deal with this, I know how you feel and it isn't a nice place to be in feeling like no matter what you do or where you go the whole world is against you, judgement round every corner. I know why you cut, why you scatter marks all over you skin. It's because you feel like it's your fault, that if you weren't who you are things would be different and you wouldn't have to go through this. You feel like you deserve to be punished for being who you are when really that's all you should be. You should never have to change or feel like you need to change for anyone. Now I don't know if you can hear me right now Harry or I'm just going to have to somehow remember this and say it to you later but you don't deserve any of this. I can't even describe how amazing you are Harry because if I'm being honest here there isn't any word that would be able to do you justice. Please don't stop fighting, your a warrior no matter how many times they can try and bring you down you always get back up and keep going and this time isn't going to be any different except the fact that this time you won't be alone fighting on your own, you will have me" 

I know who it is, I would recognise that voice anywhere it's Louis. If i could i would be crying right now he is just the most amazing person but i have done so much wrong in my life all i do is always hurt him and hurt myself yet he still loves me i just want to reach out and hold him but I cant and I don't know how long it will be until I can.

Its all silent until Louis speaks again.

"So Harry please don't give up before we have the chance to fight."

I can hear the pain in his voice it makes my heart break why do i always do this why do i make him hurt all the time when its the oposite i want to do. I just want to wake up why can't i wake up!  AHHHHH! What's happening  I can feel this sevier pain in my head it hurts so much! LOUIS SAVE ME I NEED YOU!

*Fade Out*


Hey guys!

Sorry about the wait guys i have been having writers block for a while i had been trying to update for you guys but nothing was coming to me until now. Sorry that i left this as a kind of cliffhanger but i hope you guys like this update and i know i have said this but thank you all for sticking by me and this story it means sooo much i honestly love you guys so much :) and remember you are all BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT! :) XXXX

love you all 

Katie xx

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