Chapter 23

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A/N Okay, so I'm well aware that people probably, more than likely, hated the last chapter. I'm so so so sorry that it happened, I don't know why it did to be honest. It didn't even cross my mind before I got to it, and suddenly I was typing it up. I hope this chapter is better, there won't be anymore scenes like that, I promise. 

~Third person POV~

Shin-ah stared out at the harbor, his eyes spotting the boats immediately.

"The boats at the harbor...have started to move." Shin-ah spoke softly.

"Alright, you brats...let's bring this to an end right now."

~With Yoon and Yona~

The pair had been blindfolded and had their hands tied behind their backs. Their heads were bowed in shame, guilt, and sadness. They had not forgotten the silver haired Princess, she had been taken by the evil Lord, and they could do nothing to save her. Who knows what had happened to her. Yoon was terrified at the thought.

Ao suddenly popped out from Yoon's kimono shirt. 

"Ao, this way." Yoon whispered to the squirrel, who scurried down his arms started chewing on the ropes binding his arms together. He quickly untied Yona, also taking off her blindfold. Both of their eyes were ringed with red, from crying. 

"...Yona, let's okay." Yoon's voice was stern, but quiet.

"Yes." Was Yona's only reply, she felt weak, her body shaking from fear and nervousness. Taking a deep breath, the two started to put their plan into action. 

~With Tsukiko~

The petite silver haired girl was still curled up in a corner of a room. Her body shaking violently as sobs racked through her. 

'Please...someone save me..' She thought, shutting her eyes tightly.

'No. I can't rely on the others to help me. Not now, they don't know where I am. I have to try and get myself out of this situation. I can cry later.' She opened her eyes, they burned with a purple fire. Slowly she stood up on her shaking legs, using the wall as support. Scanning the room she found nothing that could help her escape, she had heard the door lock as that man left. There were no windows. 

"If I had my sword, then maybe I could cut my way through the door. But I didn't bring it with me...Not that I'd be able to conceal it anyway...What am I going to do...?" Her quiet, scratchy voice broke through the silence, her eyes slowly dimming, the fire burning out. She crumbled to the ground, her head hung low, fists clenched tightly as her knuckles turned white. 

"I really am useless...aren't I...?" She spoke, tears flowing from her eyes again.

~Back with Yoon and Yona~

Their plan had failed, it went wrong somewhere, now they were cornered. Trapped. 

'What am I going to do? I have the fireworks. I could quickly go up on deck to let the pirates know where we are...but Yona and Yuri are in danger, and if I'm caught on the deck too...It could be worse...and then we'd never be able to find and save Tsu...please be okay...I don't know what I'd do if anything bad were to happen to you...I won't be able to launch the firework from a place like this. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?!" Yoon thought, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. 

'If it were the old me, I would have thought about putting my life over theirs. I would have come up with the most efficient way for me to escape. But now..." Images of his new friends flashed through his head, Tsukiko stayed in his mind longer. 

'Ik-Soo...I...may have turned into an idiot. Right now...I have to protect Yona...and the people of this town. When we set the firework of..we can save Tsu...I won't...let their courage go to waste.' 

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