Gavin's Back

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Gavin's POV

I sat on the plane waiting for it to take off. today was the day, I get to see my little Micool. I got out my phone and texted Geoff

'Planes about to take off be back in a few hours'

Before I could get a reply we were all told to put our phones away. I turned and looked out the window as the plane took off. "I'm coming Micool" I said. knowing this was going to be a long flight I laid my head on the window and drifted into sleep.

"Sir, sir?" I jumped awake. there was a small gasp from in front of me "sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave. we've landed" my eyes shot open at her words. I jumped up and she shuffled out of the way. I ran out of the plane and strait to the baggage area. I found my bags and pulled out my phone, before I could even turn it back on I could hear Geoff yelling his voice getting louder. I turned around and saw Geoff running at me, I threw my arms out and Geoff embraced me with a hug. "it's good to see you kid" Geoff pulled away and ruffled my hair. "it's great to see you Geoff how've you been?" I asked lifting my bags and following Geoff out to the parking lot. "good, good what about you?" he asked "uhh good!" I said throwing my bags in the car. I got in and started talking about all the things I've done, how dans doing, just anything and everything I could think of.

"Alright Gav were here" I stop talking and look forward. I see the house I once called home. nothing has changed. when me and Geoff walk in the house I look around and take a deep breath. "your rooms still upstairs" Geoff says after saying hi to griffon and Mille, I start to make my way to my old room. I stand in front of the door and wonder what it's going to look like. I slowly grab the handle and turn it, a gust of wind hits my face and a smile finds it's way to my lips. nothing changed. it's like I was never even gone. I sigh and throw my bags on the floor. it's late already and I've got a big day tomorrow. I strip my self from all clothes except boxers and snuggle into the all to familiar bed.

I force myself to sleep because the time was changed but I didn't want to be tired when I go see the guys. so slowly I drift off to sleep.

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