Goodbye Michael

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Gavin's POV

It was about 11:00pm now and people were still dancing. I got up and walked over to Geoff, Millie was sleeping in his lap. "Uhhh, I think I want to head off now." I said. I had had enough of Michael and Lindsay for today. "You sure buddy?" Geoff asks, "Uhh, yes." I say, "Okay, well go say bye to all the guys while I get Griff so we can go. Meet me at the car, okay?"

Geoff got up and carried a sleeping Millie on his back. I started to make my way over to the guys and said my goodbyes when I spotted Michael. I walked over to him. "Hey, Michael, I'm going to leave now okay?" I say, "Oh well are you sure, Gav, you can stay longer if you want," He sounded so sad about me leaving. "Uhh ya I-I'm just kinda tired," I lied.

I just couldn't stand being there anymore. "Well, I can take you home later if Geoff wants to leave," he said. "Oh, um, no- no thanks," I shook my head and started to walk away, "I'll see you in a few weeks, Michael!" I said. He stood and wapped his hands around me for a hug,

I hugged back. "Thanks for coming, Gav it really means a lot to me." He whispered in my ear. "Anything for my boi!" I say with a fake smile. "I love you, boi," He hugged me tighter. "I have to go" I said, pushing him away. He gave a sad look at me and just nodded. "Bye, Michael." Was the last thing I said before running out of the building, not even waiting for his response.

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