Face Off

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Several plans ran through Lauren's mind as she lay on the mattress next to Camila. It was safe to say Cassie had been given orders to hurt Camila. She noted Cassie's unhappiness too. It could be a turning point for Camila when it came to the crunch. Being free of bonds, Lauren knew she had just one chance to make an escape. Should she fail, Camila would suffer and they would not be given another chance to get away. Over on the other side of the shed, Cassie was raising her voice again. This time, Lauren could hear one of the men too. And it didn't take her long to identify him as Ty, the meaner of the two men.

"What's the fucking problem? You too scared?"

"Use your brains, Ty. They're just using us."

"Cut the friend's finger. They won't know the difference."

"Her father isn't a stupid man. He'll know."

"If you too scared to do it, I can."

"They didn't pay us for it. And it's not the same when you start cutting them up. That's another charge."

"You just scared."

"Fuck. This is business. If you gonna do things your way, get out."

A sudden slam of the table jolted Lauren's eyes open. Ty was shouting vulgarities now. Cassie going head to head with him. The other guy yelling at them to stop. Next to her, Camila was trembling so Lauren squeezed her arm to assure her.

"Stay still," she whispered.

Right then a gunshot rang out, deafening her. Inevitably, Camila screamed and that attracted their attention.

Damn it. Lauren peeped over Camila's shoulder and saw Ty storming towards them, gun in hand. It was now or never.

Despite the slight throb in her head from the fever and medicine, Lauren held Camila still until the very last moment. Then, with a swift roll, Lauren lifted her leg and swung it at the gun just as it got within reach. The next kick was aimed at the injured wrist. It provoked a pained cry and brought a grimace to Ty's frowning face. Lauren lost no time in using the momentum to flip onto her feet and then it was a race for the gun.

There was shouting and yelling but Lauren zoned everything out as she dived for the gun. Ty's hand almost got to it but she managed to push it out of the way and grab the gun with her left hand. Once she got it, it was a matter of putting enough distance between herself and the man. But Camila's scream ended it all.

"Drop the gun now!" Cassie hollered.

Lauren kept her gun pointed at Ty and shifted to get vision of Camila. Cassie had her by the throat and a gun to her temple. There was a very real possibility of Camila dying even though Lauren knew it was the last thing Cassie wanted. It was time to cool things down.

"You know I would never have done this," she began, gun still trained at Ty's head.

"Shut the fuck up Lauren! Fuck!"

Lauren pressed on. "I promised you and I intend to keep my promise. But I am Camila's bodyguard and I won't let anyone hurt her."

"Put the gun down!"

"LISTEN TO ME!" Lauren screamed. "Leave Camila alone and I won't do this."

"You're talking too fucking much," Ty snarled. "Fucking shoot her now!"

Cassie didn't, however. Lauren saw the hesitation in her eyes and capitalised on it. "I swear. I just wanna protect Camila. It's my job. We'll stay here if nobody hurts her."

Cassie seemed to consider Lauren's bargaining but Ty did not have the patience. He charged straight at Lauren, forcing her to pull the trigger. The bullet hit an ankle and the big man went down with a broken cry but Lauren didn't even flinch. Instead, she kept her eyes on Cassie, holding the woman's gaze with all the calm in the world.

"I won't shoot you, Cassie. Not if Camila is unharmed."

"Drop the gun and we'll talk."

Lauren shook her head. "I need the gun. Your man is not listening to you and I need to protect Camila and myself from him."

"You fucking shot him!"

"He was gonna attack me." Lauren backed away from the crying Ty. "He didn't listen to you, Cassie. You never used to allow that."

"You don't know shit."

"I know enough." Lauren could hear Camila sobbing but kept her eyes on Cassie's. "I know what a promise is." Cassie's face was flaming up and she looked like she was about to burst but Lauren held her ground and she maintained her stoic expression even when Cassie pushed Camila to the floor.

"Take your woman."

"She's not my woman. She's my client's daughter."

"Don't fuck like a bitch, Lauren. This isn't over."

Still pointing her gun at Ty, Lauren moved to shield Camila who was crawling towards her. "I believe you will let us go as you promised. I'm willing to wait for it without anybody else getting hurt."

The anger did not abate in Cassie's eyes but she lowered her gun and moved to Ty. "Fucking idiot," she swore at him before turning to the other man who had stayed by her side in silence during the entire exchange. "Hyuk! Help me to stop the bleeding."

Hyuk stepped forward, taking off his shirt. He pressed it against the wound, making Ty scream in pain again. Together with Cassie, they secured Ty's ankle and hoisted him up. Hyuk's strength showed in how easily he supported Ty's weight while helping the man to the door.

With their captors' attention diverted to Ty, Lauren sneaked to the table on the other side and stole Cassie's phone. Stuffing it under her dress, Lauren returned to the mattress where Camila sat with tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey, hey . . . no more tears, okay?" Lauren coaxed as she gathered Camila into her arms.

"It was so scary," Camila said between sobs.

"I know. It was very dangerous and you were very brave."

"I just wanna go home, Lauren. Please bring me home."

Lauren stared at her blackened bare feet, willing herself to stay strong despite their situation. "I'm working on that." Nudging Camila's chin, Lauren smiled when the woman met her eyes. "Do you trust me?"

Camila nodded. "I trust you."

"Good. Because I have a plan and I need your help."


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