Gala updated

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The day had come. The day of the gala. Lauren sat on the chair, still as a log while the makeup artist painted her face. Camila had already brought her to a nail shop and gotten her nails painted. This would be the last stop before attending the gala but Lauren was already tired out and ready to go home. The gala was going to be a huge pain to endure.

"I'm ready."

Lauren turned to the voice. Oh holy mama. Camila. Her eyes fixed on the woman wrapped in a form-fitting, wine-red, sleeveless dress of lace and all sorts of curves. The makeup on the woman's face was simple but brought out the best in her features. And her silky black hair. Pulled back into a simple yet elegant ponytail, it brought understated class to plate as well.

"How do I look?" the woman asked, spinning around to present a full view of herself to Lauren.

Oh holy naked back. There it was again. Camila's naked back. Memories of the night she saw Camila's naked back in the mirror came flooding into her mind. Memories, all sorts of memories. Memories she didn't want to remember. Memories she had tucked away in a corner of her mind.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Do I look bad?"

Lauren shook her head. "No, you don't look bad."

"Well? What then?"

Meeting Camila's twinkling eyes, Lauren smiled. "You look beautiful."

Camila giggled. "Really?"


"Will I be the hottest woman at the gala?"

Smiling indulgently, Lauren replied, "I will be second to no one else but you."

More giggles. "You sweet talker." Then, her face straightened up. "You're not trying to get out of something, are you?"

"No. I'm just being honest."

Camila skipped to Lauren, much to the amusement of the stylists surrounding them, and took Lauren's hand. "I can't wait for tonight."

Lauren winced at the thought. "I can't wait." For tonight to be over.


Lauren arrived at the hotel with Camila, in a car driven by one of Mr. Cabello's security personnel. Attending the gala as Camila's friend meant that the door was opened for her by a valet. It was different. It would take a while to get used to.

"Ready?" asked Camila.

"Ready or not, I'm ready."

Camila took Lauren's hand. "Tonight, it's my turn to protect you. Come on."

With her hand in Camila's, Lauren followed the woman she was supposed to protect into the hotel. The venue was full of people milling about, chatting over drinks and nuts. Lauren stayed by Camila's side the entire time, smiling and talking only when necessary. When asked about her work, she smoothed over it, telling them she managed the security for Mr. Cabello's company infrastructure. Most people nodded and moved on, as expected. Group after group, Camila led the way and covered a good quarter of the crowd. Then, it was time to find their seats.

Amidst the sea of tables in the ballroom, Lauren spotted the table they were assigned to and tugged on Camila's hand.

"Over there."

"Lead the way, partner," said Camila, her voice softer and huskier than usual.

Maintaining the stoic expression on her face, Lauren simply walked to the table and took a seat. Camila took the seat beside her, wearing a mystifying grin on her face and looked around at the other tables. She educated Lauren about the people nearby until a couple joined their table. It was a husband and wife pair, the man being a member of the board of directors, and Camila introduced them to each other. Gradually, the table was filled and the dinner event started.

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