The Truth

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The truth was out. It came to light as soon as Ally  returned to the room, accompanied by Normani  and Dinah. There really was no other way to explain how Lauren  was capable of incapacitating not one, not two, but three grown men and with the place crawling full of police, lying was out of the question.

After their statements were taken, both Lauren  and Camila  were sent to the hospital to get a physical check-up. Lauren  in particular, needed some medical attention for the cut on her arm. The blood had dried up into a clot by then and Lauren  didn't think it was serious but everything had to be documented for the record. This wasn't anything new to her and she understood the necessity, so she tolerated the whole process graciously.

Running through her mind as the nurse treated her wound, was the conversation she had with Mr. Cabello. How worried he had sounded. How panicked he was. All those responses were typical of a doting father yet something bleeped on her mental radar. Call it instinct, call it a gut feeling, but something didn't feel right. The fact that he spent this much money to hire her. The fact that his anxiety seemed to come from a place that had been dreading this would happen. This break-in was not a random occurrence.

Naturally, Mr. Cabello  had ordered her to bring Camila  back to Seoul immediately. But Lauren  wanted a little more time. She needed some time to get hold of the assailants' statements first. Fortunately for her, they couldn't leave Singapore just yet. The police required them to assist in the investigations and to do that, they had to visit the police station the next day, after getting sufficient rest.

But another problem presented itself when they returned to the hotel. It was Camila  and her fear. They had sent Ally  to Normani  and Dinah's room for the night and Camila  didn't want to sleep in another room by herself.

"I won't let you sleep alone either," Lauren  replied, when Camila  voiced her concerns.

"What do you mean?" Camila  asked.

"You can either come to my room with me, or I will accompany you to the new room and stay there with you."

Camila's reply was almost instantaneous. "Your room."

Lauren  nodded and without another word, took Camila's hand and led the way. Camila  held her arm the entire time, holding on even after the door closed behind them. Understanding how traumatised Camila  must have been, Lauren  was gentle with her, patting her arm while suggesting she take a shower before sleeping. Camila  nodded so Lauren  took out a clean nightdress of her own and handed it to her.

"What is this?"

"I thought you might want to change into something comfortable to sleep in."

Camila  had a little crooked smile on her face as she held up the oversized shapeless grey dress. "You wear this to sleep?"

"It looks worn but it's very comfortable," Lauren  answered, annoyed at the embarrassment that lurked inside. "It's okay if you don't want to wear it."

"Thank you."

Lauren's impending frown receded and she almost gasped when Camila  gave her a bear hug.

"Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome."

"I'm sorry you got hurt." Camila  pulled back and looked at the gauze on Lauren's arm. "I'm sorry. I wanted to apologise but it was late and you were angry and—"

"Shh," went Lauren, silencing Camila  with a finger on her lips. "You just went through something traumatic. Give yourself a break. Don't let the waves of guilt drown you now, okay?" Lauren  turned Camila  around and pushed her from behind. "Take my pyjamas and go take a shower. Then sleep. You need a good sleep to feel better tomorrow." She pushed Camila  into the bathroom and waved her on. She closed the door as Camila  stood there but just as it was about to close, Camila  cried out.

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