Chapter five - The foolish saviour

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He watched me safely from behind the mask. I could feel his eyes burning on me. 'Bless your truthful eyes, your kind heart and your loving soul.' Whispered Erik before he turned around and left the room without making any sound at all.

I picked one of the black roses that had a beautiful open core and pushed it in my hair. The rose's colour fitted perfectly with my black hair. Then I sat down again and waited for nothing to come. After a while, though I fought it, the silence became torturing, and the candles' fire disturbing. I suddenly wished darkness. With powerful blows I ended the candles' fire's life and sat down in my chair again. Only the fireplace was still roaring. But its once again helpless roar brought me sorrow, and the room brought me loneliness.

I realised how Erik must have felt all the time. I realised why he so badly needed me, and now I was desperately craving for him.


Phantom came back after a while with something to eat and something to drink. He put some extra wood into the hungry fire and it regained new life and gave us brighter light. Without saying a word he placed the food on the table behind me and poured in something to drink for one. 'Would you like me to join you, or would you rather be alone?' Asked Erik. 'Please stay with me.' I said and hoped that the despair wasn't too clear.

Erik chuckled sweetly and poured another drink.

'Then come and eat.'

I sat down and felt a blanket being placed over my shoulders. Erik had seen me shivering a bit, and he knew that his cold body couldn't bring me any heat. I looked up to see the mask and smiled thankfully. His eyes, shimmering with kindness, glared at me, examining my face, capturing the sight in his mind and heart.

We ate and drank together. Erik asked me many things concerning my past and happiness. And I, too shy to ask him questions concerning his past or happiness, answered or listened when Erik decided to let me capture a glimpse of the dark and misty world he called his own.

That encouraged me to ask him whatever I wanted to know. And after a while, I asked about the mask. 'You should never ask me that again.' He whispered. 'Never, Euline. You must not touch it nor ask questions. Curiosity will be your doom and I do not wish to condemn you.'

I asked other questions. His mysterious answers, unclear riddles and tragic stories gave birth to a deep and true pity that made its home in the very roots of my heart. Immediately I tried to talk about something else. We talked about less painful subjects and I felt at ease with him around, I realised what wonderful man he actually was. And while we were talking, I felt the heat that came from his heart, and saw the light that shone from his eyes like a little light in the darkness. I smiled and laughed. He did the same. I was very thankful for that great miracle.

But to all good moments, like most of the things in live, comes an end. And, though I hoped that the end of this marvelous moment wouldn't come anytime soon, it did and soon something unexpected would happen. I could feel it.

And it scared me.

We heard something. Erik stopped talking and the eyes behind the mask searched around the room. There was the sound again. It was a bit like an animal stuck in a trap, crying for help and in pain.

The Opera Ghost rose. 'I need to go now. Do not worry, my dear Euline, I will be with you shortly.' And he walked off. I, being the curious soul I am, followed Erik on a distance. At first I was afraid that Erik wouldn't like me following him, but the sound repeated itself, more and more in despair. I wanted to help the poor source of the sound, whatever that might be. It was obviously in pain and I thought that I might be able to help.

We went down many stairs. I went down slowly, trying not to make any sound. Thus was the swift and silent Erik earlier at the source of the sound. I reached water. Water, just like I remembered. And candles, many of them. But it wasn't the dancing flames that got my attention, neither was it the light of the dancers in the water, it was the person that was in the water. Completely wet, swimming as if there was something taking hold of his leg, fighting an invisible but powerful force.

On the face of the force's victim was pain, the cry was accompanied with heavy breathing as the victim swallowed water. It couched and struggled, then it opened its agonised eyes. I recognised the fear-filled eyes.

It was Philippe.

'Philippe!' I screamed. 'Philippe, are you alright?!' Of course Erik now had heard me and knew of my presence here. But I did not care. All I wanted was to save Philippe. Erik walked closer to the struggling Frenchman. He walked slowly, and I hoped he walked towards him to come to rescue. He moved through the water swiftly, and I noticed something in his hand. I narrowed my eyes to see what it was. It was some sort of rope, thick rope bound in a circle.

It was his lasso.

And suddenly I knew why Erik walked so slowly, like a dangerous hunter. Why Philippe looked up in fear to see bloodthirsty eyes look hungrily at him.

Erik was going to finish what he started earlier.


That was the fifth chapter, up to the sixth! Please vote and comment to tell me what you think of it! ;-)


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