Phantom of the Opera/Erik one shot x reader

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The mean words of André and Firmin echoed in my head and I tried to fight the negative thoughts but it was as if I tried to empty an ocean with a bucket. They kept coming and coming. I longed to see the previous owner of the Opera house, the sweet man that had left us around two months ago. He was kind and understood me, he was as a father for me. They're not true... I thought as defence for the quotes of the new owners. I looked around the large hall, searching for destruction so I won't start crying but I couldn't find any. I knew I couldn't stay here cry in public, I was alone now but someone could come every moment. Oh how lonely this hall made me feel. It was beautifully decorated but to me it was empty and uglier than ever. I longed for a home, somewhere to feel safe and comfortable, someone to comfort me, to make me feel safe. The tears stung in my eyes but I didn't allow myself to cry in the hall so I looked around and tried to think of a box with no one in it where I could be alone for sure. I hadn't seen anyone walking into box 5 so I decided to go to there. I opened the door and found it empty and dark, exactly like I expected it to be and precisely what I needed. I let myself fall and sat with my back against the wall and my chin resting on my knees. 'I am alone...' I whispered and closed my eyes as the tears came running out of my eyes and over my cheeks. First silently, then the tears came with ugly sobbing. 'No you're not, you never are.' I heard a whisper say and it was sinisterly close to me. I opened my eyes and looked around. A candle was burning and the fire danced. I was sure there had not been a burning candle when I entered the box, I was entirely sure. But candles can't burn without anyone making fire so maybe I was mistaken... I decided to let it go. A long time it was quiet in the box besides my sobbing, but after a moment I heard the whisper again. 'Don't you cry.' It said. It wasn't close to me anymore, it came from the opposite side of me and I was sure it hadn't been my imagination. 'Show yourself.' My voice sounded pitifully thin. If there was any threat in it, then it was a laughable one. I kept staring at the point where I had heard the whisper coming from and when I gave up I saw someone appearing when he stepped into the light of the dancing flames. There stood a man. He had been here all along since the door didn't open nor close since I had entered. He had been here all along, maybe did he even watched me cry, but he had come out of the shadows into the light so that I could see him. He was tall and thin, dressed in a satin cloak that was black as the sky in the night. To cover his face there was a mask hiding it away from me. I looked at it and wondered for a moment why it was there, like it was a solid wall that hid away the answers. But these thoughts flew in my head for a brief moment, I felt an urge to hear him speak again and it was a longing that was stronger than the questions of the mask. 'Who are you?' I asked and rose. I walked a few steps backwards as if every more step away from him would make me safer, like I could run away. I found the wall beside me, keeping me from walking any more steps away from this man. I felt the handle of the door in my back and was happy to have an escape route within my reach. But of course I couldn't go away, these steps between me and the man were nothing since he could reach me in no-time judging by his long legs so even if I ran into the hall he could easily get to me. But even if I was able to run away, if I was given enough time and speed, I wouldn't for this man made me stand still as the curiosity ran through my veins and filled my body. Please, I thought, speak again. 'Who am I?' He said, 'I am the Phantom of the Opera, but you, my love, are allowed to call me whatever you want.' That voice, it was melodious, like all the little birds in the tall trees singing together, yet it was mysterious as the dark side of the moon. 'What is your name?' I asked him and took a few steps forwards. 'Erik.' He said. Erik, what a simple name for a creature as interesting and beautiful as him. I realised I kept walking forward and reached out to touch him, to know if he was even real or that my loneliness had created a person for me. I touched his shoulder and knew he was real when I felt the warm flesh underneath his cloak. He shook his head and did not meet my eyes. 'I am not to be touched.' It wasn't anger but a soft spoken warning. It was said with the same melodious voice. I didn't pull my hand away and looked through the eyeholes of the mask to see his eyes. 'Why are you here?' I asked. 'I have been watching you for quite a long time, (y/n), I saw how you have been treated and wanted to take care of that, to punish those unfortunate fools for hurting you.' I saw the anger burning up in his eyes but didn't feel frightened at all. He repacked himself. 'But I opened my eyes and figured out it was better to let you come with me. You don't have to cry or feel miserable any longer, you can escape this all, if you choose to come with me.' His gloved hand touched my cheek and stopped a tear from falling. He had been watching me for quite a long time. I remembered the roses I had received, the only things that had made me feel better. They were like the threat that held me from down a deep cliff. The letters with words like stars in the darkness of my life. 'Did you send me those roses?' I asked. He nodded. I didn't want him to nod, I wanted him to speak. 'Don't you want to know about the mask?' He asked me with curiosity mixed with something I couldn't place in his voice. I smiled to hear his voice again and shook my head. Something strange lightened up in his eyes, something heartbroken but warm, maybe even not-understanding. 'Why did you send me those flowers?' I asked and removed my hand from his shoulder to place it on his hand. 'You do not need to know.' He answered with a louder voice than before and removed his hand from my cheek. 'I demand to know.' I tried, wondering why on this earth someone would send me roses. He seemed to hesitate. 'Speak, I listen.' He seemed to hesitate. 'Tell me and I might come with you.' I tried again. Still doubting. 'Because...' He began and I encouraged him with my eyes. 'Because I love you.' Those words were unexpected but beautiful. They were magical , knowing that someone loved me, cared for me. There was nothing in his voice but pure truth. He turned around, walking away from me into the shadows again. Maybe he was convinced that now I knew this fact I didn't want to go with him anymore, but he couldn't be more wrong. Leaving this world, leaving the miserable feelings and the mean words, leaving the night to go with someone who loved me. I rushed to him and grabbed his hand just before he could fully disappear into the shadows. I pulled him out of the darkness and we looked at each other motionless. 'Please, I beg you, take me with you...' I whispered. He seemed to smile, his mask moved a bit and I supposed his lips curled up underneath it. 'As you wish.' With my hand in his we started walking through places I had never seen in the Opera house. And there we were, in a boat floating through the water. Erik began to sing and a wave of delight filled me from the inside when I closed my eyes and heard him. Even though I didn't know where we were going to, I felt like home, hearing him sing, knowing he sang the words with his heart.

'Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solitude
Say you need me with you here, beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too
(y/n), that's all I ask of you...'


So that was my one shot x reader, I really hope you enjoyed itand thank you so much for reading! Please tell me what you think of the story or the way I write and if you have anything I need to improve on, or just say 'hello'. :-) Please vote and tell me what you think of it. Thank you all so much and remember: the Phantom of the Opera/Erik is alway there, watching you. Whenever you feel miserable, he will be there, whenever you feel happy, he will be there. Thank you all so much and, well, yeah... This is the end.


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