LND Christine x Erik Request for @thepottergirl123

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Hey there!

So, @thepottergirl123, after a long time waiting I have finally written it! Sorry for taking so long; I had a lot of schoolwork to do and many things to study. It was pretty difficult to write this since I have never seen Love Never Dies so this is all my imagination with the song you've asked me to write about. I really hope you liked this Eristine one shot and please enjoy...


Silence was the only thing I could hear. Darkness was the only thing I could see. Emptiness was the only thing I could feel since my reason to live abandoned me. Silence had taken over me and had made my throat soar every time I opened my mouth to sing. I wasn't able to use my voice anymore. I had always sung with my heart and now I could sing no more since she had taken my heart along with her. It felt colder than ever underneath the Opera House and my empty halls showed me the killing loneliness I felt inside of me. A single candle burned on the table next to my bed. One single candle against an ocean of darkness. I liked the way it represented my love for her. I stared at my slender shaking fingers and decided to move closer to the fire to warm them.

I wondered if she thought the same thoughts as I did. She, who had made me feel loved. She, who had abandoned me and put me in this sorry state. She, the only one who would listen. I removed my mask and stared at the mask in my hands. This monster had scared her. This monster had made her flee. This monster: was me.

But I knew for sure she had felt something! Even when it was small. I knew her love for me was like a child: it needed to grow and time will let it become stronger and fiercer. But instead she had denied it, denied me...

Though I hadn't forgotten the look on her face as she left me. In that boat with that scoundrel named Raoul. The look on her face as she turned her head to look at me for the last time let me know that she was reluctant to go. It proved that I was right about her love. Her voice as she sung was another thing that proved me her hidden love for me. The clearness of her voice was because she sung with her heart and soul for me. Just like I sung with my heart and soul for her...

'Christine, Christine...'

My lips moved and I heard my own voice again. Softly, like a whisper on the wind.

'Have you forgotten you Angel?'

I desperately longed to see her beautiful face again. To see her eyes shining and to see her lips curl up into a smile as she looked at me. To feel her fair skin underneath my gloved hands. I would take off my cloak and wrap it over her shoulders to make her feel the warmth I possessed. I would take off my gloves for once to be sure that she was real. I would even take of my mask to see her better for I knew she loved me. I even believed she loved me without my mask...

Anger grew inside of me. It had made its home in my heart many long years ago, but now it burned fiercer than ever. That Raoul must be gone. It wasn't me who poisoned her mind, it had been him. He had lured her away from me. But he knows his love isn't enough for no one loves Christine with the same passion as I do. I knew he wasn't what she needed. He could never satisfy her. She hated him in her heart but lies grew over that hate and hid it away, even for her.

I needed her and she needed me.

I rose and put on my mask again. I shall go to her. I shall find out where she lives and will find a way to see her again. It didn't matter what I had to do to get to her but I will see her again. I will make her notice the love she possesses for me...


The doors opened and when they did I saw her. She stood there, looking so innocent in her white dress. I saw how her eyes widened and she gasped in astonishment. And then... she fell. She fainted and fell to the ground. I rushed to her and wanted to lift her up but my fingers stopped half an inch before her fair skin. I doubted. Slowly, gently, I allowed my bare hands to touch her cheek. Yes, she was real. I lifted her and put her in a chair. I then waited, stared at her while she was unconscious. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

Phantom of the Opera one shot x readerWhere stories live. Discover now