Chapter Nine

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Four Months Later:

"Sam!" My manager yelled. 

"Coming!" I yelled back, juggling the pile of dishes that I was carrying. 

I dumped the dishes in the sink and walked over to my manager," Yes?"

"Go take care of table 10, give them whatever they want. They are celebrities." 

I tried to stretch my neck to see who was sitting at the table. We never really got anyone famous here, and I was surprised that they would pick a hole in the wall dinner. I grabbed my notepad and pen and walked over to the table with my best fake smile. 

"Hey, how are you? My name is Sam and ill be your server today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?" 

The man in the booth had on a pair of sunglasses and a large hat, probably trying to hide his identity. He waved his hand for me to lean closer to him, and when I did I realized who it was under the poor disguise. 

"Louis, what are you doing here?" 

He laughed at me," I wanted to see you doing your thang." 

I rolled my eyes," I thought you were someone famous."

He put his hand against his heart and opened his mouth," That hurts." 

"What do you want?" 

"A water with lemon, eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and a tea, black."

 I looked at him," You're going to eat all of that?"

He shook his head," You're going on an early lunch and eating with me."

I sighed and went to the kitchen to put in his order, adding chocolate chips to the pancakes since I would be eating with him. I took off my apron and sat down in the booth across from him, wondering where he found a hat that large. 

"Im surprised your awake before noon." I said. 

He nodded," Not my choice, im on my way to the office. Harry is here and were going to be finishing up the album." 

I tried to block out his mention of a certain someone, as I had been doing well at not thinking of him. It had been almost a day since I last thought of him, besides now, since Louis had mentioned him. 

"Thats nice." I said, stirring my tea.

Louis sighed," You need to stop being so selfish."

"Excuse me?" I asked. 

"You act like you dated him and he cheated on you. You were never together, just get over it. He wants to be friends which is better than nothing."

I looked at him," What crawled up your ass?"

He rolled his eyes," I speak the truth."

I shook my head," Actually, I am over it. I have a date tonight with Greg."

Louis scrunched up his face," Greg."


He shook his head," I dont like his name. Greg. Greeeg. G.R.E.G. Its just such a fuckboy name."

I laughed," You are the leader of the fuckboys."

He gave me a glare," What time are you working until?"

"Six." I answered, counting how many hours I had left in my head. 

He stood, leaving a wad of cash on the table," I have to go or ill be late for the meeting."

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