Chapter Three

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It had been a few days since I had talked to Harry. He slept in his room and I slept on the couch. The couch was not very comfortable but it was better than having to sleep next to a pervert. I couldn't look at him the same since I found out he bought me to be his sex slave. His once beautiful face made my stomach churn. 

I found out he wasn't home a lot. He would leave as soon as he woke up, return a few hours later to get dressed, and then stay out until he went to bed. I figured it had something to do with me being here, or maybe it was just how he always was. 

I sat by the window reading a book from his small collection. It was a biography about Abraham Lincoln, and I found it to be very boring, but there was nothing else to do. I didn't have a cell phone, and I had no money to buy one. I wasn't going to ask Harry for one, because then he would expect me to pay him back with sex. 

The sun was just starting to rise when I heard his door click open. I heard him tip toe into the kitchen and I returned my focus onto the book. I wasn't usually awake this early, I just couldn't sleep last night. I guess three days of doing nothing didn't make you sleepy. 

I could hear him start the coffee pot and walk back towards his room. I looked up and jumped when I saw him sitting on the couch, watching me. His hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes. He was dressed in only a pair of black boxer briefs. 

"Im sorry." He said. 

I closed the book and put it on the arm rest next to me," Its alright." I said. 

He looked down towards his feet," I didn't just buy you for sex."

I moved to sit next to him," Then why did you say that?" 

He shrugged," Because the real reason is embarrassing." 

I composed myself," It cant be that bad." 

He shook his head," The truth is..." He looked at me with vulnerable eyes and I softly smiled at him," Im lonely." 

I was befuddled," How can you be lonely if you're never home?" 

He snorted," I only go out to work. Thats where ive been the last few days, writing songs with the boys."

I nodded," Okay, but you still have them right? And even if they weren't there, you're famous. Like you said to me the other day, millions of girls would die to be in my position." 

He smiled," Thats true, but I have a hard time trusting people. Most people only talk to me because I am famous. They dont really want to get to know me, they just want my money or my fame." 

I had never thought that being famous came with such a burden. He was right, how could he trust anyone when people only wanted to use him? I felt sorry for Harry, and I did what felt right in that moment. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. I could feel his muscles tense with the contact, and I could tell this wasn't something he was used to. 

I let go of him and examined his blank face," What was that for?" He asked.

I could feel heat rise to my cheeks," Im sorry that you feel that way."

I could see the warmth leave his eyes," I dont need you to feel sorry for me." 

I felt the need to apologize, but I held my tongue as I figured that it would make the situation worse. Harry stood from the couch and walked into his room. He came out a few minutes later fully dressed and walked into the kitchen. He had a to go cup in his hand as he walked towards the door and left. 

I felt like I had seen a part of Harry that no one else was allowed to see. He let me into his head for a few minutes, but I closed the door when I hugged him. I was glad to know he didn't expect me to have sex with him and knowing that made me feel more comfortable around him. 

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