Chapter Six

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I watched as Louis's face fell, he turned to look at his date who wouldn't meet his eyes. I could feel the bile rising as I got up from the table and ran towards the bathroom. I heard Louis call after me but I didn't stop. 

I swung the ladies room door open almost hitting an older women in the process. I ran into a stall and put my head in the toilet, expecting something to come up, but nothing did. I could feel my eyes brim with tears and felt them fall down my face. Why was I acting this way? Harry wasn't mine, but for some reason I felt betrayed. 

I was glad that I was leaving with Louis tonight because I didn't think I could bare looking at Harry right now. He was probably laughing at my expense, trying to lighten the mood. Or he was pissed at me running out of the room. Either way, I didn't want to face him. 

A soft knock on the stall door made me jump. I wiped my eyes, forgetting that I was wearing makeup, and smudging it all over my face. I cleared my throat and told whoever it was that I would be just a minute. 

"Its me." The familiar deep voice said. 

I pinched my nose as I tried to compose myself. The last thing I wanted was for Harry to see me crying over him, how pathetic would I look? 

"Can you let me in?" He asked. 

His voice sounded soft and not condescending or mad like how I expected him to sound. I stood off of the floor and wiped my eyes with a tissue, seeing most of my eyeliner and mascara come off on the tissue. 

I unlocked the stall door and braced myself for his reaction. I was not expecting him to pull me into a hug as soon as the door was open, and I was at a loss for words. He rubbed his hand in circles on my back as he lowered his mouth to my ear.

"I am so sorry." He said. 

His words made me want to cry harder, it made me want to bury my face in his neck and let all of my hurt out, but I stopped myself from doing that. Instead I pushed him away from me and walked towards the exit to the bathroom. 

Harry was quicker than me and he blocked my way," I really am sorry." He said. 

I smiled at him," For what?" 

He frowned at me," For sleeping with Megan."

I laughed," Why are you apologizing? You're single, you can sleep with who ever you want. Its none of my business." 

Harry cocked his brow," You're not upset?"

I shook my head," Why would I be?"

He moved closer to me, trapping me against the door," Are you sure about that? You ran out of there pretty fast," He said, putting a strand of hair behind my ear," And it looks like you have been crying." 

I swallowed as his eyes bored into mine," Food poisoning?" I squeaked. 

He shook his head," You know what I think?" 

"What?" I asked. 

He smiled down at me," I think you're upset because I had sex with Megan." 

I scrunched my face up at him," Why would I be?" 

He shrugged," Because you like me." 

He looked so cocky as he watched me, making me want to slap him. Was it possible that I had feelings for Harry? I knew I felt some type of way about him, but I wasn't sure if it was because I liked him. He was so much more than just a handsome face to me, I looked at him as my savior. If it wasn't for him I could have been taken by some creep who would have just used me for sex or abused me. He was kind, and caring, and mostly considerate, not counting tonight. He never treated me like shit, and he always made sure I had everything I needed. He was my security and my safety, and I realized that is why I felt betrayed. 

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