Cops and Robbers - 1.

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Well here I am. In California. Standing in front of my new school. I don't know anybdody. I miss ohio. I want my old life back. I'm Noelle. Noelle Bean. I moved too the Bay area about a week ago because my mom got a job out here, which means I won't be seeing her much. Not like I really did before. I'm 17 and I'm a senior, which is great because that means only a couple months left in this hell hole. Overall I'm a really happy person. I'm a singer but not a lot of people know that, well nobody really but two people. My brother and my best friend back home. My brothers in the army, we're really close, his names Justin and my best friend back in Ohio is Paige, it sucked moving away from her, she knew EVERYTHING about me. I miss her. Anyways, back too reality. I need too go get my schedule, and I think those might be the doors too go in, I said looking at the doors ahead. I started walking up too the doors, and got stares. I understand I'm the new girl, I get it. No need to stare like you've never saw a human before. I finally got too the doors and went too open it but two guys rushed through them, almost making me fall.

" fucking dicks.." I mumbled under my breath.

I walked through the doors and started looking for the office. I really should've came with my mom when she came up here too enroll me because I don't know where anything is. Shit. I started walking down a long hallway, looking for one sign that said office, as I got too the end of the hallway, I looked left and there was the sign I had been looking for. Finally. I opened the office door and went up too the front desk, a old women with glasses and gray poofy hair looked up at me and smiled, I of course smiled back.

"How can I help you sweetheart?" she said.

"I'm new here, today's my first day and I just need my schedule" I responded with a smile.

"Well whats your name"

"Noelle Bean" I said a bit too proudly.

"Ah, I see. Your from Ohio right? that's far!"

"yeah and a big weather change" I said chuckling, which made the secertary laugh.

"Here's your schedule, if you need anything, just come too the office" she said smiling.

"Okay I will and thank you! " I said smiling at her.

I walked out and stopped too look at it. I have okay classes, History is first and I like History a little so this is good. Now I just need too find my locker. 867. I started going down the same hallway, just as I got too the locker number 859 the bell rang and kids started running through the hallways. Shit. I started walking a bit faster till I found 867. I took my book bag and took out the books they gave my mom the other day when she came in, just as I went too put my last book in my locker that I didn't need, somebody bumped into me, making me make everything fell out.

"FUCK" I yelled and then bent down.

"Here let me help you" I heard a unfamiler voice say.

I looked up too see a guy with black hair and he looked about my age. A little cutie. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Thanks" I said giving him a smile back.

"Oh no problem!"

I stood on my tippy toes too put my math book back into my locker and I heard a little laughing. I looked over too see this.. well stranger because I have no clue what his name is laughing at me.

"whats so funny" I said clueless.

"the fact you have too stand on your tippy toes too reach the top of your locker" he said laughing. I gave a glare and closed my locker.

"Your making fun of me and I don't even know your name. what a shame." I said too him.


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