9. Watch the Whole Season of Any TV Series

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     You may not have any time to watch Big Time Rush or maybe you already last track of the possible A in PLL, you haven't seen the recent episodes because school is stressing you. Then why not watch them since it's summer!

     Rewatch the whole episodes through the internet or wait for marathons on TV, this way you can spend your time watching your favourite TV shows at any time you want. Invite you friends over if you are the social active type, this way you will not bore your friends and yourself because there is a show you are looking forward to watch. You could watch the whole episode of Jane by Design which has only 18 episodes or New Girl which is now on its third season, these are just some chick flick series that you might enjoy with your friends!

     If you may want to impress your boyfriend with your type of show, you could go watch The Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead which are for great for both genders with thrilling taste.

     Of course if you are an Otaku! (Anime lover) I don't think I still need to tell you what to do since that's what you always do. Why not watch the whole episode of Naruto? Literally.

     Like what I said. Explore new things, explore new shows. TV series and movies could also affect our perspectives in life, you could be confident; you can set a goal just by imitating the boldness of the character.

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