8. Discover A New Talent

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     Last summer I got inspired by watching David Blain performing magic on TV and that's how I got interested in magic! It's weird, I know, but it's unique. I can impress people through illusion while other teens out there are busy thinking on how to make out with their partners. It was great learning magic for a very minimal time, I get to practice it every day and I could say it was a non-stressful hobby!

     Anyways, I am not telling you to also learn magic or to stop thinking about your fantasy make out scene. I am just telling you to try something new! Make a label for yourself that will make you interesting when you get back to school! Learn a skill, either in singing, dancing, or in theatre. I know you think singing lessons is pretty expensive, but hello? Everything is on Google already. You can learn a new language through the internet, in that way you won't be pressured by someone you are paying to teach you.

     I also suggest you to watch more television shows, by that it will expose you to be other things that could lead you in being inspired, and or to gain knowledge. Visit the cooking network, the fashion TV, or Cartoon Network. In this way you might finally find your calling this summer!

    Just make sure that it's safe for you and that you are not stepping other people's opinions or feelings. Being too much YOLO is also not good because sometimes we forget there are also people who are living in this planet.

How To Spend Your Summer 2014Where stories live. Discover now