1. Try Indoors

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     The fresh way to start your summer is to rest and by resting I mean staying at home. In your house you feel cozy, warm and you also don't need to stress out yourself studying the atmosphere because it is yours! You are in your own property. It feels great to do it in your first week. That time where you can eat everything on the fridge before your siblings does, you can high the volume on your stereo and dance wildly, it's the time where you can't bore yourself with being with somebody. Having a good night sleep before doing all of your plans for the rest of the summer will save you the energy to absorb the heat of summer and the money! Yeah, you could save a few bucks by staying at home!

     Do your indoor plans first. Like spending your time with your family or if you are more open to your friends then invite them over so you can formulate the best sleep-over ever! Or just by simply having movie marathons with them. Be lazy!

     Most importantly is to enjoy yourself all over the week. Avoid being bored. Don't feel the heat yet. Wait, go outside for five minutes, feel the sun, extend your arms up high and smile! Then go back inside and please yourself.

How To Spend Your Summer 2014Where stories live. Discover now