Valentine's Day Special

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Jace woke up to the sound of pot and pans clashing together.

"Oh no." He mumbled as he got out of bed.

Jace walked into the kitchen to see Holton and Sam, both covered from head to toe in flour.

"Daddy!" Holton yelled when he was Jace walk into the kitchen.

"Well, there you are, princess. I was starting to think that you died." Sam said a wide smile on his face.

"Nope, I'm here," Jace said.

Holton ran to Jace and gave him a hug, more like gave Jace's legs a hug. "Daddy, we made you pancakes!" Holton giggled.

Jace leaned down and picked Holton up, putting him on his hip. Jace walked over to Sam, giving him a kiss on the cheek before setting Holton on the kitchen counter.

Sam turned to face Jace and pulled him into a hug. "Happy Valentine's Day, princess."

Jace wrapped his arms around Sam's neck. "You too." Jace leaned in and placed a kiss on Sam's lips.

Sam kissed back but pulled away a few seconds later. "We got you something," Sam said, referring to him and Holton. "Close your eyes."

Jace closed his eyes, keeping his hands at his sides. "I hate having to close my eyes, you guys!" Jace said.

"You can open them now," Sam said.

Jace opened his eyes to see Holton holding a piece of paper with red wording. He read the paper.

'Will you marry Pops?'

Jace's eyes widened. He looked in front of him to see that Sam was on one knee, holding a ring in one hand.

"Jace Lee Simions, you have been the light of my life for 6 years. Between work, moving, and adopting Holton, I've finally found the perfect time to ask you. So, will you marry me?"

Jace was in tears. Not trusting his voice, Jace nodded.

Sam sprang up and grabbed Jace's finger, pushing on a golden band. Sam pulled Jace in for a hug, Holton hugging their legs.

"I love you," Sam said.

"I love you too," Jace responded. He pulled away, running a hand through his already messed up hair. "I feel really bad now. I didn't get you anything."

"You didn't have to get me anything." Sam picked up Holton and put an arm around Jace's waist. "I've got all I need right here."

Holton had a huge smile on his face before he yelled,

"Happy Valentine's Day!"

Hey, guys! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you've had a great day, and I hope you enjoyed this short, but special chapter! Thanks for reading! Have a great day!
-Wyleigh Marie

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