Epilogue & Alternate Ending & Author's Note

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"Time has a way of showing us what matters in life."- ?


5 years later...

Sam woke up, panicking slightly when he didn't recognize the room he was in and that Jace wasn't asleep next to him.

"Jace?" Sam called out.

"In here!" Jace responded.

Jace stood in the living room, his hair a mess and a big shirt hanging off his small frame.

"What are you doing in here? It's early, let's go back to sleep." Sam kissed his cheek.

"Couldn't sleep. Just wanting to finish moving stuff around, so we could get the rest unpacked today." Jace turned and put his head against Sam's chest.

"Is Holton still asleep?" Jace looked over Sam's shoulder.

"Last time I checked. That kid sleeps like a rock." Sam chuckled,"Guess he gets it from his Pops."

Jace rolled his eyes,"Well, he got his attitude from his Dad."

"Yeah, I've noticed." Sam snickered.

"Noticed what, Pops?" A small, child's voice came from the hall behind them.

"Morning, buddy. Come here." Jace said as he squatted down. The child ran to Jace and wrapped his small arms around Jace's neck. Jace picked him up and held him.

Two years ago, Sam and Jace decided that they wanted a family and wanted to move in together. After a few months, they were told of a little boy that was given up by his mother. That little boy happened to be Holton. Even though Jace and Sam aren't his biological parents, Holton looks and acts like both of them. He has Sam's brown hair and brown eyes, while he has Jace's attitude and smile.

Sam wrapped his arms around Holton and Jace. "My two favorite boys!" He squeezed both of them tightly.

"Pops! Let up go!" Holton squealed.

"Never!" Sam yelled in a funny voice.

All three laughed. Sam then kiss Jace and Holton's cheeks, completely in awe about how wonderful his family is.

"How wants pancakes?" Sam yelled, knowing he can get both of them to stop whatever they were doing when he mentioned food.

"I do!" Both of them yelled as they ran into the kitchen.

Sam laughed,"I love you."

The other two responded,"We love you too!"

The rest of their morning was filled with laughing and just being together. Sam and Jace couldn't be happier.

Alternate Ending

A year later...

Jace awoke to silence. It had been that way ever since the car accident. He liked it this way. He didn't have to hear anything that could remind him of what happened.

A year ago today, Jace and Sam were in a car accident, and only Jace was to live to tell about what happened.

Sam had died in surgery. He had lost so much blood, and the doctors couldn't do anything. When Jace was told this, he instantly went numb.

Every day since then, Jace had felt numb. He didn't go out anymore. He didn't talk to anyone. He sleeps too much. He hasn't eaten a proper meal in several months. He just sits in his house, ignoring the outside world.

But, today, is different.

Jace finally wakes up and gets dressed. This is the first time he's worn a suit since Sam's funeral.

He makes himself look presentable before walking out to his car. His neighbor waved, he only nodes in response. He quickly got into his car and drove the cemetery near the edge of town.

Jace got out of his car and walked to the edge of the cemetery. He approached a dark gray headstone. He walked around it and sat on the ground, facing it.

"Hey, big guy." He said, feeling like he was talking to Sam. "Can't believe you've been gone a year. It's been hard." Jace started crying. "Things aren't the same without you. I haven't even been to the office since the accident." He started sobbing and his breathing became heavier. "Hope you're doing well. I miss you." Jace paused,"See you later, big guy." Jace stood up and walked back to his car. He drove home, tears in his eyes.

He reached his driveway, stopped to get the mail, and went inside. He looked through the mail, mostly junk mail, but one envelope stuck out to him. It was a green envelope with his name on the front, nothing else. He opened the envelope and pulled out a birthday card. He read the front of the card then opened it. He saw a written note in it.

Happy Birthday, Princess. I hope you are having a great day. Hope 24 treats you well! -Sam

P.S. I'm glad I got to start working with you.

Jace put the card on the dining room table. He sat down and started crying.

"I'm glad I got to work with you too, Sam."

Author's Note

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading this story. It means the world to me! Thanks for 200 reads, too! And, I finished a book! I couldn't have done it with all of the amazing support I have gotten. Thanks again! See you in the next one.
-Wyleigh Marie

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