Chapter 11

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"Close your eyes and imagine the best possible version of you possible. That's who you really are, let go of any part of you that doesn't believe it."- C. Assaad

Jace woke up sometime the next morning. He noticed that Sam wasn't where he was a few minutes ago. He moved the blankets and looked around the room. He noticed that Sam was getting changed at the foot of the bed. His eyes widened and he hid under the blankets again.

"Jace, get up! We need to get to the convention center before 10, to check in." Sam turned and saw the lump on the bed move.

"Let me sleep!" A muffled response was all he heard from the lump. He walked over to the lump and shook it violently, earning a few groans and giggles.

"Get up!" He shook a little harder.

Jace pulled the covers away from his face, reviling how flustered he was. "Nope."

Sam, tired of dealing with Jace, pulled the blankets off the bed and Jace. "Now!" Sam said in a stern voice.

"Fine!" Jace jumped out of bed and went over to his bag, digging out the clothes he would need for the presentation today.

Jace quickly got dressed and followed Sam out the door and to the car.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They pulled up the convention center and got out of the car.

"Registration table!" Sam pointed to a man sitting at a picnic table.

Jace approached the man. "Hello, I'd like to sign in, please."

"Alright. Sign both of your names and I'll do the rest." The man typed on a laptop and handed Jace a lanyard with a piece of plastic hanging from the end, reading "All Week Pass."

"The presentations are in the big building right there." The man pointed to the building to their right.

"Thanks." Jace turned and walked back to Sam. "The building right there is where we need to go." He pointed to the same building.

"Let's go." Sam pulled Jace next to him and started walking towards the building.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Jace said, practically jumping up and down.

"Calm down. I don't want you getting hurt before you go on stage." Sam said as they walked into the building.

The building was full of people, young and old, from all walks of life. Some were in suits and others, in mud-stained jeans and t-shirts. Speakers cracked before an announcer's voice came through. "Hello everyone, and welcome to the 89th annual National Ag Expo. The opening ceremony will begin in 2 minutes!"

"Let's get to where we're supposed to be." Sam pulled Jace towards the stage before being stopped by a woman.

"Are you Jace Simions?"

"Yes, ma'ma," Jace said, starting to feel a little nervous.

"Come with me. I'll get you ready for the opening ceremony." She turned and started walking towards the stage. The boys followed her until she stopped again. "Are you okay with speaking in a mic?"

"Yeah. I can do that." Jace nodded.

"You have a minute. Just go up that small staircase to get on the stage." The woman turned and walked off.

Jace started breathing heavily. Sam noticed and though he should say something. "Hey, calm down. It's just like speaking at a board meeting. You'll do great."

"Thanks. I'll try to, anyway." Jace laughed a little.

"30 seconds!"

Jace turned and started walking toward the staircase.

"Wait, Jace, you forgot something!" Sam walked up to Jace.

"What did I forget?" Jace's eyes widened, feeling scared about forgetting something.

Sam smirked. "This." He leaned down and placed a kiss on Jace's lips. After hesitating for a moment, Jace started kissing back. Sam pulled away after a few moments, smirking. "Go get 'em, bud."

Jace blushed a deep red before turning and walking up the stairs, onto the stage. Once he got out there, he realized how red his cheeks must have been.

"Sorry, I look so red. These lights aren't the best."

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