Chapter 4

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"Jealousy is a lack of self-confidence."- ?

Jace pulled into the driveway of his house. He noticed that another car was in the driveway, Nicole's car.

"Great." Jace put the car in park and grabbed all of his belongings before walking to his house.

A gray, one-story house with a one-car garage, a front porch, and acres of land is what Jace calls home. His parents lived in this house before they moved to a smaller one on the other side of town. He loved that house and wouldn't change a thing about it.

He walked in the front door and was greeted with the barking of his fluffy, Australian Shepherd, Boomer. Jace put his things on the coffee table and started petting Boomer. "Hi, Boomer! Were you a good boy today? I bet you were!" Jace talked to Boomer like he was a little child until Nicole came in the room.

"Get off the floor and stop petting that animal! You'll get your suit dirty! Now, go wash up for dinner. Nicole gave him a smile before turning around, walking right back into the kitchen.

Jace rolled his eyes and did as he was told.

Jace strolled into the dining room and sat at the head of the table. "Set out an extra plate. We have a guest joining us tonight."

"Why didn't I know about this?" Nicole asked while coming from the kitchen, a plate in hand.

"I invited Sam over for dinner, with me. I had no clue you were going to be here. Besides, I needed to tell him something important and I wanted to tell him in person." Jace pulled out his phone to check the time. "He'll be here anytime." He smiled at Nicole as she went back into the kitchen, to bring the food into the dining room. Nicole glared at him as she set each plate or bowl on the table.

A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Jace strode from his seat and went to the door, moving Boomer out of the way.

"Hey, Sam. Welcome to my house! Come on in!" Jace and Sam hugged for a moment before Boomer started barking.

"You have a very nice home. Thank you for inviting me. Who's this?" Sam pointed to Boomer.

"That's Boomer. He's my baby." He cleared his throat,"And, the lady that just walked into the dining room is my girlfriend, Nicole." Jace pointed at Nicole, who only glared at both men. Sam gave her a slight smile before reaching down to greet Boomer.

"Dinner's ready, boys," Nicole called from the dining room.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jace and Sam were invested in a very long conversation and Nicole was sitting beside them, listening and becoming more jealous as time went on.

"So, why did you invite me over, Jace?" Sam cocked his head to the side.

"Well, I wanted to tell you something very important." Jace hesitated,"Sam, I'm not your boss anymore. I'm your partner. You're being promoted to Vice President!"

Sam almost fell over in his chair. "Are you serious!?"

"Of course." Jace smiled at Sam. They got up from their seats and embraced each other.

"Thank you! So much!" Sam pulled away and smiled. Nicole rolled her eyes and chugged her glass of wine.

Sam checked his watch,"I need to get going. It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow!" Sam grabbed his belongings and showed himself out.

"I'm glad that's over," Nicole said as she started clearing off the table.

"Why? We had a nice time!" Jace took the dirty plates and placed them in the sink.

"By we, you mean you and Sam. You didn't say a word to me the whole time! You and Sam were in your own little world, and I had to listen to you two blabber on for a good two hours!" Nicole yelled.

"Are you jealous that I talked to him more than I talked to you? Nicole, I talk to you every day! I didn't think I needed to talk to you the whole time!" Jace yelled back, feeling angry at how Nicole was acting.

"Maybe I am jealous! I have a right to be! Maybe I feel like Sam is trying to-"
Nicole cut herself off.

"Are you going to finish that statement?" Jace cocked his head to the side.

Nicole stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought." Jace sighed,"Nicole, I think you need to leave. Like right now."

With that, Nicole grabbed her belongings and stormed out to her car.

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