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The air was tense as we walked with the army. We knew today would be the day we faced our destination. In fact, Jericho told me it was only a mile from here. There was a hush over the large crowd, some muttering quietly to everyone. Something about this fight would be very different. I mean, obviously, but just... it felt like something major was going to happen. More shadow people, more death, and much more time we'd have to fight this guy. Most battles take... long, so we can't possibly end this guy on the spot. Especially with magic on his side.

Amelia and Andrew seemed like they had gotten rather close after last night, and I don't know what had happened with them. Amelia also seemed rather tired, although I knew the reason for that. She had told us during breakfast that late in the night someone with the gov kidnapped her and took her to the lab. Long story short, a random guy on the street and his falcon helped her get away. Which was good. And pretty cool, too.

Andrew led us deeper and deeper, the air growing tense and apprehensive. Nevertheless, Andrew kept his head high, confidence radiating from him. I could feel everyone's fears, making me anxious and wanting to run as far as I could away from the feeling, which was like a tingly sensation on my back. I'm not sure if anyone else feels this when they sense other's emotions. I'm not sure if other's can sense emotions as strongly as I do, either. The army stopped by Andrew's command, standing in front of a large cave mouth.

"Here we are..." Andrew said quietly, staring down into the darkness. The Time Watchers were surrounding him, me being on the right side of him next to Amelia. Everyone was now tying their animals down with their supplies, and the ones that didn't carry much helped with them. When that was done, everyone returned their attention back to Andrew.

There was silence. I paused, then said, "We can do this."

He smiled. "I'm glad you're optimistic." He turned and observed the army, who were all holding their breath. "Usually before a battle, the leader would give a speech."

Everyone waited.

He smiled. "But I'm not good at that, so let's just get in there and murder this wretch."

The army's tension loosened somewhat, some people even chuckling, and Andrew turned back to the cave. Taking a deep breath, he strode forward, and the people followed. Quietly, Andrew whispered to us, "I'm not sure if or when the dragons will come, so please keep your eyes peeled, alright?"

We nodded, already on watch for anything suspicious. I knew that we wouldn't be able to hide the fact that we were the dragons the entire time. I knew he'd find out soon. However, I kept that fact to myself as we trekked inside the black. I swallowed as the air shifted, and I could tell something was watching us in here. The army sensed it, too, and they all drew their weapons. As soon as the last weapon was drawn, a hideous noise echoed throughout the cave. Everyone covered their ears as the sound intensified by the echo, and without warning, lights illuminated the cave, popping into existence. The fire was on the walls, about two or three meters away from each other. However, the flame was a disgusting brown, and it smelled foul.

Soon after the lights, an army twice the size as ours ran at us, the shadows of dark magic swift as they rushed for blood. In the back of their army was some sort of creature. It had long tentacles in its mouth, large scales the color of a dead tree all over its body, six black eyes, a bulbous body, stubby legs that held up its round body, and a small tail that kept it somewhat on balance. On top of its head was War'decla, his staff in his hand.

"Eeew," said Charitie, leaning back with disgust. "What the heck is that supposed to be?"

The armies had already clashed, and the Time Watchers watched for a second, before jumping into action. The massive creature War'decla rode made a deafening scream before running on its stubby legs and barreling into the army, making a few shadows... go into him? Is he made of dark magic, too? I don't know, probably. Whatever he is, I'm naming him Babbles. The Time Watchers did several tricks they learned, Connor spiral kicking into a mass of shadows. Without warning, he burst into flames and grew, massive wings spreading. He roared defiantly and slashed his tail, making several shadows turn to nothing as they poofed out of existence. I ended up getting myself into trouble as a group of the shadows backed me into a corner, one of them throwing my weapons away from me. Which is surprising; if you know me personally, you would know I have a very strong grip.

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