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After we drank some cider Andrew offered, the king spread out a map across a large table. It was of the entire country, not just the place he ruled. Andrew scratched his chin as he examined the landscape. "Now if I were War'decla, where would I be?"

We huddled around him and looked down at his map. Evelyn and Madie were still sipping their cider, trying hard not to burn their tongues.

"The storm came over from the northwest," Andrew pointed, "which means he's hiding somewhere in these dark woods. Although where in the woods, I don't know..."

"How often are those woods visited?" Asked Connor.

"It's too dangerous for anyone to visit them. There are monstrous beasts that shoot venom at you and have over two heads, there are strange beings that are not always friendly, not to mention the dangerous rocky, jungle like terrain. So riding a horse will be difficult, seeing that beasts will be after them and the landscape would be hard on a horses hooves."

"We'll have to travel on foot, then." Said Madie, her voice echoing just the slightest in her cup.

"We should probably have archers on the outside of us so they can shoot anything that gets too close." I added.

"Makes sense." The king nodded as he continued to survey the map.

"War'decla must be taking refuge somewhere," said Evelyn, "like in a cave or something."

"A cave would be ideal for someone as dark and cold as he." Andrew scowled as he looked at a particular part of the map. He turned and went to a desk, picked up a quill and bottle of ink, then circled an area on the map. "That's where the only cave is that would suit War'decla's needs."

"So that has to be where he is." Razz nodded.

I glared down at the map. That looks like a super long hike. I groaned in my head. "How long will it be before we go?"

"About three days, because we need to rally everyone up and get going as soon as possible." He straightened and rolled up the map, then handed it to the snobby butler we meet every time we enter the castle. That weirdo. The butler quickly took it and jogged off, the tails on his suite flapping. "You must be weary from your travels," Andrew turned to us, "allow me to show you the guest rooms you can stay in."

We're staying here?! In a castle?! I became excited as we followed the king down some hallways and up one of the curved staircases. He showed us the rooms and allowed us to decide who can bunk with who, then left us to relax. I went to share a room with Charitie, because Connor and Razz were together, and the two siblings were together. I opened the door, and Charitie ran past me and jumped onto the poofy bed. I laughed as the bed practically ate her alive.

"This is so soft!" She exclaimed, giggling. "Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Hahaha!" She bounced up and down, messing up the bed.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled at her obnoxious enthusiasm.

"Join me, Amelia!" Charitie chirped.

"Uh, no thanks, I'm good." I held up a hand, then closed the door.

"Humph. Fine, missy! But you're missing out!" She kept jumping, flopping on her back.

I looked around the nice room, taking it all in. There were a few paintings of some creatures, at least one on each wall. There was a closet door to my left, and in the middle of the room was the queen-sized bed. On either side of the bed, there was a nightstand and an oil lamp. A nice wool rug was laid on the floor at the foot of the bed. The only thing that disgusted me was that there was a bedpan under the bed.

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