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When I finished, I looked around, admiring everything. It was so dark, I couldn't tell if it was night or day anymore. Pretty, though. Society hasn't destroyed it yet. Wielding my torch, I began to head back to the only bright place in the entire woods, but Samantha told me to stop. I trust her with my life, obviously, she's saved it so many times. Naturally I stopped, looking around to see what the problem was.

A figure clad in black. Hard to see, but I could make him out by his sudden movement. He was up in a tree, some sort of gun aimed at me. Creep, was my first reaction, because he just watched me take a leak, but then I ran away from the camp, knowing it would be bad to lead him to my only true family. He was clearly from a different timeline, and I figured he must have been one of the guys who were chasing us. But why were they here? I had to warn the Time Watchers. Now!

Something whizzed past me and exploded in smoke, the man in black refilling his gun. It wasn't loud, but it emitted a hissing noise. I refused to breathe it in, covering my nose and mouth with my sleeve. I was running blind, barely able to see my nose. Sam glowed to light the way, but only lightly, as to not show where we were going. The sniper must've had some sort of... night-vision gadget in front of his eyes to see me. I dunno. That's the most reasonable explanation.

He began to run after me, trying to aim the canisters of knock-out gas at me. I zig-zagged, throwing him off quite a bit. A canister hit me in the back, dislocating my shoulder blade. I cried out in pain, knowing I needed to act fast. Using my jaw, I tapped out somewhere to jump to on Sam's face, then hit her with my forehead. I went through that weird wormhole thing I see every time I jump, all the shades of blue, purple and green fusing together. It's pretty, honestly. Then I landed in a bush, outside a hospital in Florida. Why Florida, I don't know. I was in a rush. I brushed myself off with my left arm, my right limp because of my shoulder. Timeline: 2015. Good enough. Time: 3:56 a.m. Day: Tuesday.

I entered the hospital, a few nurses and doctors walking around. I headed to the front desk. "Excuse me?"

"Hm?" The lady looked down at me.

I pointed to my awkwardly placed shoulder. "I dislocated my shoulder. Could you give me a hand here?"

"Oh, goodness! Okay, hang on." She hurried over from behind the desk and went to my back, giving me instructions and helping me relocate it. When I heared a crack after a few excruciating seconds, I felt better. I thanked the nurse and began to head out, but she stopped me.

"How did you say this happened?" She asked.

"Fell off my bike." I lied casually. "I was coming back from school. I must've hit a rock or something on the sidewalk."

"Well, let's just go ahead and call your parents. Just to let them know what happened."

"Uh, actually, I think I can just go and tell them myself." I put my hand on the door handle, being stopped once again by the nurse.

"Why not we call your parents?" She asked again.

I ignored her and headed out the hospital. Not to be rude, but I couldn't say I was actually from Oklahoma, and that I was from 2017, and I could time travel. You know how stupid that sounds? And crazy?.... Right. I hurried away from the place before the nurse could find me, hands in my pockets. I was wearing modern clothes of course, thanks to Sammy. They were a simple T-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. I looked for a place to jump in secret, but that train of thought had to wait. The guy was back. He was wearing something different, too. A black tank top and blue shorts, with a red 'Nike' ballcap to go with it. He had something in his pockets.

I turned and walked away, hoping he didn't see me, and stayed close to the groups of people on the sidewalks. As I scurried away, I continued to think... Somehow... How did he time travel? Does he have some sort of device like our watches? Did they figure out how to read Friday's journals? Friday had his own little thing where he wrote in Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Latin, and German when he wrote in his journals so hardly anyone could read them. And, he'd write backwards just for extra precautions.

Which, as usual, was brilliant.

So they must've gotten someone who knew those languages to read the notes in a mirror. Or something. I entered an alley, and seeing I had lost the guy, and no one was watching, I jumped.

* * *

This went on for a week, I'm not kidding you. I'd only stop to eat, sleep a bit, and relieve myself, which is what got me in this mess in the first place. Darn body functions. At these times, I wished I had the Time Watchers and the professor. The professor, especially. He's like the dad I never had! Well, he would be the dad I never had if I took him up on the adoption offer--which I am seriously considering--. During this week, I went everywhere and everywhen. From the Appalachian Mountains, to the deepest sea exploration, I was there. From A.D. to B.C, I was there. I had to wear a lot of stuff as I jumped, too. My hair's still greasy from my recent trip to 1978.

I didn't see the guy for a day, and that's when I knew it was okay to return to my family. I tapped my destination out, then gratefully went back to Zandaria. I was back where I was before, but instead of running from the guy, the dude wasn't even there. Relaxing, I hurried to the camp.

"Oh, hey, Con!" Greeted Razz.

"Guys!" I hugged every single Time Watcher I could, Amelia cringing.

"You're hair's so greasy! What did you do?" Whined Amelia.

"They're after us!" I exclaimed, pulling away and grabbing their attention.

"Who are?" Evelyn questioned.

"Eric's men! They're somehow able to time travel now."

"What?!" Madeline screeched.

"I was gone for a literal week, jumping from different times and places trying to get away from this guy! I think I lost him for now. They must've read Friday's journals."

"How?" Asked Charitie. "He writes backwards and in, like, ninety languages!"

"Only five," I reminded.

"Whatever! He knows lots of languages, okay?" Cherry crossed her arms.

"Okay, that's enough." Madeline broke it up. "Now tell us everything that happened."

So I did. When I finished, they all looked thoughtful. Amelia broke the silence: "They must have watches..."

"But how?" Evelyn asked. "Friday engineered the watches to choose the watch bearers."

Madeline wagged a finger, staring at the ground. "Unless they found a way to change the watches."

"... They could have..." Charitie admitted. "That's what's so scary about this thing..."

"That's what's scary about our job." Said Razz.

"True," Charitie nodded.

"Very true," Evelyn agreed.

"We need to finish this mission as soon as possible." I said.

"And find Friday as soon as possible." Madeline nodded in agreement. "From now on unless we're guarding Andrew separately or fighting, we need to stick together. At all times. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." We all said.

"Good," then, under her breath, she said: "Let the games begin."

I AM SSSOOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATEDATE! I had the WORST writer's block in the world!!!! Anyway, more to come soon! Until then, guys!!!!!

The Time Watchers (TW#1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن