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Caterina had never been to a party, nor did she want to go to one, but it was Liz and she couldn't say no to her. Peter was in the front seat of Mays car, and Ned sat right next to Cat in the back.

"House party in the suburbs. Oh, I remember these, kind of jealous." May pulled up to the Allen residence in their beat up station wagon. Caterina watched May and Peter turn to each other before Ned spoke up, "It'll be a night to remember." 

"Ned, some hats wear men. You wear that hat." Aunt May spoke as Cat smiled, she nodded in agreement, "Shes right." 

"Yeah, it gives me confidence." Ned shrugged his shoulders, and smiled at the two women in the car. Peter looked zoned out then and Cat was kind of worried, "This is a mistake. Hey, let's just go home." Peter was nervous, he usually got all fumbled with his own words. 

"Oh, Peter.I know. I know it's really hard...trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through. It's flowering now." May's speech made Cat blush a bright red before she looked down, she didn't want to be apart of that conversation. 

"He's so stressed out lately." Ned recalled, looking back at the young girl sitting next to him, May nodded in agreement before letting out, "What helps with stress is a party." 

"We should go to the party." Ned pushed the door open and Cat pushed hers before stepping out. Her converse clad feet hitting the ground with a gentle thud. Her black skinnies contrasting with her white blouse beautifully, May had helped her pick it out a couple of hours before. 

"I'm gonna go." Peter looked to his aunt with a soft smile, he stepped out and she looked at him before he shut the door, "Peter.- Have fun, okay?"

" Okay.- I will. Bye, May." Peter sighed shutting the car door before walking up next to Cat and Ned. The three looked at each other before they slowly made their way up to the house. It was beautiful and of course Cat had seen it before but Peter and Ned, nope. 

Once Caterina opened the door, Ned seemed eager to get Peter in his suit and Peter was annoyed already, "Dude, you have the suit, right?"

"Yeah." Pete let out a sigh, Ned clapped his hands, "This is gonna change our lives. Okay. We're gonna have Spider-Man swing in...say you guys are tight, and I get a fist bump or one of those half bro-hugs." Ned rambled as Caterina looked around for her friends. Once she heard Michelle's voice she smiled, "Can't believe you're at this lame party." She buttered her toast before taking a bite, "But you're here too." Ned added, Michelle scoffed, "Am I?" Michelle nodded to Cat before Cat wandered off, Peter watched her walk away and he looked down, he was so in love he tried to cover his ass with his crush on Liz. 

Caterina had situated herself outside with Michelle, they sat on some pool chairs, Michelle handed her a red solo cup full of coke, and she silently thanked the girl for not putting in vodka or even rum. Michelle sighed before asking, "So have you told him?" 

"Tell him what?" Caterina tried to act as clueless as possible. Her crush on Peter was something that only few knew off, Michelle being one of them. The two girls were so close that secrets were non existant. The only thing Michelle didn't know was her ex superhero life. Being a hero was something she used to be proud of but now she hated any memory of it. It hurt to think about due to the fact she had no idea where her sister even was...

"Cat? You in there?" Michelle snapped her fingers in her face and made her look up with a smile. "What did you say?" She asked, "I wanted to know if you told him yet?" Michelle looked at Cat with a smirk, "No he's too caught up in Liz right now." Cat huffed before Michelle moved over to her lawn chair.  "You need to tell him before homecoming, or you'll regret not saying anything." Michelle was always like her shrink, for some odd reason the girl gave great advice. Michelle was there for Caterina when Peter wasn't so their friendship meant something to her. 

"You need to put on your big girl panties and tell him." Michelle was right, "I want too, I really do, but I feel like he's too in love with Liz." Cat looked down at her punch and Michelle hit her in the head with her book, "He loves you dumbass. Everyone can see it, but you." Cat rubbed her head where Michelle had smacked her. "Ow, that hurt." 

"You need to pull yourself together, and tell that boy." Cat nodded while waiting for Peter and Ned to come back out, but they never did. Cat felt so alone and she decided to go home early. Luckly Michelles mother had agreed to drop her off at home, and for that she was grateful. May was already sleeping when she arrived, Peter nowhere in sight, and she sighed. Cat made her way into the shared room with Peter before finding an old shirt of Pietros, and some mesh shorts. Wanda had given it to her before the split happened, and she missed him every day. 

She threw off her clothes from the day before tossing on the old shirt and shorts. Her hair flowed down her back as she dug for her phone seeing no texts from Ned nor Peter. She did have one message though...from an unknown number. 

Miss you kid, stay safe. It was most likley from steve or sam. she locked her phone and placed it on the charger before climbing up the ladder to the top bunk. She pulled her blanket up to her neck, and she curled into a ball. She wanted Peter, but he hadn't talked to her in hours. She closed her eyes and fell into the pit of darkness. 

She felt the cool breeze from the open window a little after 2am, "Peter?" She whispered, "Sh. Cat go back to sleep." Peter hushed her in the darkness. "You had me worried." She mumbled seeing him climb the ladder. "I know I'm sorry. I got caught up in spidey business." He hung his head low before taking off his suit and throwing some sweatpants on. 

"I'm mad at you." She whispered, seeing him tense up, but before he could say anything she was fast asleep and snoring lightly. 

"I'm sorry Cat." 


authors note; 

yall are gunna hate me for what i have planned for cat in IW. also thank you for being patient, i tried my hardest to get my mental health back in order after three breakdowns last month, thank you for the lack of update comments seeing you guys respect that made my heart swoon. BUT if i see any of those on this i will send a snarky no right back at you. enjoy this short and crappy filler chapter. 


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