Chromosomes (DNA🤐)

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Chromosomes are the thread-like structure found in the nuclei of both animal and plant cells. They are made of protein and one molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

As the genetic material passes from parents to child, the chromosomes are responsible for containing the instructions that make the offspring unique while still carrying traits from the parent.🤰🏽

In most organisms, one chromosome is inherited from the mother and the other is inherited from the father; to ensure that offspring carry traits from both parents.👫

Organisms grow by undergoing cell division to produce new cells and replace older, wornout cells. During this cell division, DNA must remain intact and keep its even distribution throughout the cells. Chromosomes are important to this process to ensure the DNA is accurately replicated.

Q: How do you tell they difference between a boy chromosome and a girl chromosome?
A: You pull down their genes!

Organelle Functions! For Kids🕺Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon