The Golgi Body💃🏽

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The Golgi Body (apparatus) is an organelle present in most eukaryotic cells.

The job of the Golgi Body is to process and bundle macromolecules like proteins and lipids (any class of organic compound that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water in organic solvents)  as they are synthesized within the cell.

The golgi body is most of the time compared to the post office inside the cell since one major function is to modify, sort, and package protein to be secreted.💌

The golgi body is made up of sacs called cisternae, usually 5 to 8 cisternae are present in one golgi body. These bundles of sacs have 5 distant and functional regions, and each region has different enzymes to help modify the contents, depending on where they are to end up.

This organelle is also important in other ways, specifically in the transport of lipids throughout the cell and the creation of lysosomes.

Not sure if it's golgi apparatus or FedEx😂

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