Chapter 3

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She climbed into bed and pulled the curtains around her, not wanting anyone to see her in such a flustered state. She rested her head back on the headboard and drew her knees up to her chest, letting her thoughts roam free.
She heard girls coming to bed and after a while everything was silent. She checked the time- 1 am! She must've lost track of time. She wasn't even tired. She tried thinking of things she could do to make herself tired and a thought popped into her head. One that was so risky and adventurous and so unlike her. It scared her and excited her at the same time.
She was going to go walk around hogwarts-at night!
She'd never done it on her own behalf, only when Ron or Harry needed her to.
She tried telling herself that it wasn't a good idea and it could backfire but the more she sat there, the more restless she became. Fine
She pulled a robe on and socks, grabbed her wand and quietly made her way out of the dormitory. Peeking her head out the door, she saw no one in the common room so she tiptoed down the stairs and out the exit. The fat lady didn't seem to care much, but hermione still muttered a sorry in her direction.
Once hermione made her way down the hall she realized she didn't know what she was going to do. She couldn't think of any place in hogwarts that would be safe enough to stay in without getting caught so she opted for going outside.
There was seating by the entrance of the school, shielding her from anyone's view. She sat down and enjoyed the view of the grounds.
Suddenly she heard footsteps and she snapped her head to the doors, breath catching in her throat. She was once again met with grey eyes and pale features.
Draco?? What was HE doing out here? Alone.
Draco stopped dead in his tracks once he spotted hermione and she'd never seen him look so vulnerable.
She knew this was completely and utterly stupid but she asked, " you wanna sit?" She gestured to the open spot on the bench she was on and scooted over a little make more room. She expected him to bark out a harsh comment and walk away but his expression stayed the same and he took a moments hesitation before deciding to sit down.
Her heart raced as he walked silently over to her. Suddenly the warm September air seemed to be bone-chilling. She hoped he wouldn't notice her nervousness.
He sat down and leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees.
She looked at him as he looked at his feet. This was way too awkward. He glanced back up at her and noticed her already looking, and she saw him blush. Blush? Even in the pale moonlight she could tell his pale cheeks didn't look so pale. She was getting more and more convinced that their feelings were mutual.
"So....why are you out here? I-if you don't mind me asking, that is." Hermione said in a calming tone, stuttering over her words. She was talking to Draco Malfoy. One of the most evil people in the school. She didn't know how this happened.
He looked at her again and his expression seemed to soften. Soften. She was baffled again by his change in behavior.
"I could ask you the same thing, miss 'I never break the rules'" he chuckled and flashed her a half smiled, knocking all the wind out of her. His voice was deeper...she liked it. She looked at him exasperatedly before she realized it was all good fun and she quickly smiled and forced out a small laugh.
"I uh....I couldn't sleep." She said after a moment of silence.
"Yeah? Me either. My brains been kind of....clouded." He replied, sounding more genuine than she had ever heard him. He was having a normal conversation. With her!! This must me a sick prank. Why would he tell her personal things??
"Me too, actually." She decided to tell him that too, maybe it would get him to tell her why.
He leaned back comfortably on the bench, angling himself more to face hermoine, who had already done the same.
"I don't know what it's been, but it seems like this school year is already throwing me off. I've been feeling...different." He slowly said, acting like he was thinking every thought through before he said it. She almost agreed with him, but realized it wasn't the right time to be playful.
"It does seem off....I've been feeling different too. Like, I can't focus on my work and I can't talk to anyone." She didn't want to tell him too much, in case it was all an evil scheme but she still treated the situation as if he needed help.
His eyes seemed to light up a bit as she said this. "Yes!" He seemed to realize he was being too enthusiastic and quickly went back to being emotionless. "I mean, yeah. Me too." He looked down at his feet and hermione smiled to herself, she was working him up. Maybe this was the REAL Draco. She didn't want to immediately jump to that, but she was too excited for her own good.
"Any particular reason?" She said slowly, not wanting to let him know that she was interested. "I mean, I think there's a reason behind it, but I'm not so sure myself."
He looked at her again and they held eye contact. She didn't want to break it, as she thought something was going to happen. His eyes seemed to trail over her features and she found herself doing the same. She'd never seen him in pajamas, even though he was wearing a robe too, and when he was alone he seemed to be more emotional. She liked it. And man, did he ever look gorgeous in the moonlight. It gave his pale skin a glow.
Even though the moment only lasted a couple seconds, hermione thought it was the longest couple seconds of her life. She could've sworn she saw Draco scoot a little closer but she wasn't sure.
"Yeah...I know there's a reason." He seemed to gain confidence while he said it and smirked at her. Now she was SURE he liked her.
"O-oh yeah?" She didn't want to let him know that she was nervous but she knew he could see right through her. Now he was making her feel vulnerable.
"I think you know the reason too." Her eyes widened at this and his smirk grew. Was he making a move?? Did she want him to?? She through caution to the wind and tried to test the waters.
"Yeah" she smirked right back, which was something she never did. A shocked look washed over his face for a split second but then his confident persona returned. She visibly moved closer to him and looked down at his lips. I guess she did want this to happen.
"I want the reason, too" she whispered, her sophisticated nature drowned out by newfound excitement. He visibly shuddered at her words and she smirked.
Their faces somehow became much closer and they just looked in each other's eyes. In the back of her mind she kept thinking about how he's such an awful person and how this situation is so weird that she just leave it where it is but at this point she doesn't care about all that.
She felt Draco cup her cheek and his touch sent electricity down her body and her face grew warm. They both leaned in and their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. It was soft and new and it felt right. Hermione brought her hand up to the back of his neck and deepened the kiss, and he gladly did the same.
She'd never had much experience kissing boys, as Viktor had really been the only one she'd ever kissed....but she felt she knew what she was doing and she loved the sudden change of personality.
Oh gosh, she thought. While her thoughts had drifted he slipped his tongue in her mouth. And she accepted it wholeheartedly. Who was she???!
The awkward moment quickly changed into a comfortable one and they felt as if it was meant to happen all along. Hermione kept thinking about how this whole situation just came up out of nowhere. But now that it was happening, she didn't care.
The butterflies in her stomach never calmed down and her heart raced with every second.
She was making out with Draco Malfoy.
She couldn't believe it. Gosh it felt good.
She didn't know how long it went on but they broke apart breathing heavily, eyes full of want.
They both smiled and reality slapped Hermione in the face.
She was sitting outside Hogwarts at 1am making out with her best friends worst enemy.
They should really go to bed before they get caught.
Her smile dropped and his faltered. She moved out of his touch and he looked slightly hurt.
"I don't want you to get in trouble." She said softly, trying to reassure him that that moment wasn't what she was worried over.
He smiled slightly and shook his head.
"Do you think I care about that? You should be worried about yourself." He said and she exhaled.
"Y-yeah." She looked down at her lap. "I, uh...enjoyed this." She hesitated before she said it and looked sheepishly up at him. He just gave her a fond look.
"Me too." Before she could register what was happening he placed another small kiss on her lips and pulled away. "We should do it more."
She broke out in a smile and laughed a little. He laughed along.
"Yeah, it should be our little secret." She said and he winked. Her heart melted. She was royally fucked.
He stood up and she did the same. They looked at each other for another moment, not wanting to leave each other just yet, and silently agreed to lean in again. The kiss was deeper than the small one Draco just gave her but she managed to make sure it wouldn't get too intense. They really had to go to bed.
They pulled away once more and hermoine reached for his hand. "Hope to see you around?" She asked.
"Definitely." He answered quietly and she let go of his hand and walked back into the school. She felt like her entire body was on fire and there was no way she'd be able to go to sleep now. Ugh, the whole reason I did this was to make myself tired....I guess it wasn't that bad. She thought to herself and smiled.
She looked behind her and noticed Draco making his way to the dungeons.
She got to the gryffindor tower and muttered 'animagus' and quietly went in. No one seemed to be up so she tiptoed back up the stairs to the girls dormitories and climbed back into bed. Her mind was racing with happy thoughts and she didn't know how she would ever fall asleep.

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