Chapter 1

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione's 5th year was starting today and they were all so excited to be back at Hogwarts that they got up early that morning. They were staying at the Weasleys and everyone was rushing around to get their things together and out the door to the train station.
They waved goodbye to Mrs. And Mr. Weasley and eagerly headed into the Hogwarts Express. They took their trunks to their designated storage compartments and found an empty section to sit in.
Hermione saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle walk past their compartment and her face immediately turned into a scowl but inside her gut twitched. What was that for? She obviously hated Draco....right? She shook it off and turned back to Harry and Ron who were talking about Quidditch. She tried paying attention but didn't really find any interest in it and decided on reading one of her school books instead.

Draco: he found Crabbe and Goyle putting their things in the storage areas and he did the same, walking with them onto the train. After getting on the train, they looked for an empty compartment. He looked into one where Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat in and he immediately looked away, putting on a sour face. He took a glance back in and noticed Hermione giving him a dirty look. His gut twitched. What was that? Obviously he hated her, she was a muggle and he a pure blood. He shook it off and followed Crabbe and Goyle into a compartment farther back, his head clouded.

Hermione: Harry, Ron, and Hermione talked and laughed as they made their way to Hogwarts and when they arrived, they were reluctant to get off.
They made their way up the stone steps into the beautiful castle, watching as the first years were taken down to the lake.
"I'm excited to see who we're gonna get in Gryffindor this year" harry said as they sat down at the Gryffindor table waiting for the sorting to begin.
Once again, Hermione happened to pick up on the trio of Slytherins coming into the dining hall and she couldn't help but stare. Draco looked older than when she had last saw him and his features were nice and sharp. He laughed at something Crabbe had said and flashed his straight white teeth, making Hermiones eyes dilate. His dark green and black robes matched quite well with his pale skin, and he held himself up confidently. He noticed her staring and they locked gazes for a moment. Her gut twitched again.
"Hermione" Ron called her out of her daydream and she cleared her throat
"Hmm yes?" She asked and the boys gave her an odd look. "Sorry just daydreaming"
"Hermione, you were looking at Draco" Harry said, raising an eyebrow
"Oh was I?" Hermione asked, her voice slightly higher than usual and she blushed. Ron squinted at her, flustered.
"You don't fancy him now, do you?" He asked incredulously, never taking his eyes off of Hermione who avoided his gaze and cleared her throat again
"No of course not!" She replied, trying to sound confident. "He's awful, I would never! It's just that he looks different. Doesn't he?" She added hopefully, hoping to get them to agree.
"No! He's still as awful looking as he always has, what's gotten into you?!" Ron scrunched his face up. Harry just sat there, not saying anything
Hermione went to reply but then Professor McGonagall started talking
"The sorting shall start in just a few moments if everyone would turn their attention to the hat"
The sorting hat told its new introduction like it does every year and then Professor McGonagall started calling names.
As it went on, first years sat down at their table and they cheered. Whenever someone was called to Slytherin, Hermione would look over and catch a glimpse of Draco clapping.
"Hermione you're doing it again" Ron sad irritably
"No I'm not!" Hermione sputtered out and snapped her head at Ron. "Why do you care so much who I look at?"
"It's Draco for heavens sake! That's why I care!" Ron spat back, his face growing as red as his hair.
"You'd think with the way you're being so defensive of me we're together!" Hermione huffed and turned away, leaving Ron staring shocked at her. He didn't say anything and gave an exasperated look at Harry who shrugged and gave him the "she's right" look. Ron shook his head at his two friends.
Near the end at the W's, a smaller boy walked up to the stool and slipped, falling on his back. He got up and started laughing, making everyone around him laugh too and Professor McGonagall herself even supported a small smile. He sat under the hat and everyone quieted down, listening for his placement. "GRYFFINDOR" the hat yelled out and Harry, ron, and Hermione clapped wildly along with the others in their house.
When the sorting ended and they had their feast, everyone was in a good mood, and they made their way out of the dining hall, snickering still over the first year boy.
"He just fell. Like that!" Hermione laughed and snapped her fingers. Harry and Ron laughed along with her as they made their way up to the Gryffindor common room
"Animagus" Hermione said to the Fat Lady and she swung forward. The trio stepped into the common room and smiled to themselves. It was good to be back. They sat on the couch in front of the fireplace for a little while longer and talked.
Once yawns were the only thing coming out of their mouths, they said their good nights and separated to their dormitories. Hermiones thoughts flickered back to Draco when the boys disappeared through the door. Why did she keep thinking about him? The past 4 years all she could classify him as was an evil cunning dickhead who was nothing but trouble. But why was she now seeing him in an attractive way? Maybe it was just physical. She decided she just thought he was a little more attractive than he used to be and it was normal for someone to be smitten to such features. She pushed the thoughts from her mind and fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

Draco: Him, Crabbe, and Goyle made their way into the dining hall to start the sorting. Crabbe told them the story of him just tripping a small 2nd year girl and Draco cracked up, high-fiving Crabbe. When they passed the Gryffindor table, Draco glanced over to see Hermione staring at him. His smile slowly dropped and then he turned away, a blush forming on his pale cheeks. She looked older, her facial features having a mature glow to them, and her hair seemed to be calmer.
Goyle whacked him on the arm and gave him an odd look, in return Draco just smiled again and tried covering up that anything had just happened.
They sat down at the Slytherin table, in seats that their fellow students had saved for them because they were considered "popular".
They talked and joked around like normal, waiting for the sorting to commence. Pansy Parkinson shooed Crabbe out of his seat to Dracos right and sat pushed up against him, smiling darkly. Draco looked at her and smiled darkly back, happy to see one of his smarter friends. Sure Crabbe and Goyle were like his servants, but he couldn't have an intelligent conversation with them even if they had a script in front of them.
The sorting started and as it went on, slytherins were added to the table and Draco thought of how he could trick the first years into doing his bidding.
He was snapped back to reality when a small boy tripped and fell straight on his back, making everyone howell [ ;) ] with laughter.
Pansy and him shared an evil look as they laughed over the first year and Draco loved it. Once the excited moment ceased and everyone quieted down, draco became very bored just sitting there and he wished he could be doing something else. He talked with pansy mostly because she was bored too and they waited for the feast to begin.
When everything was over and they were finally sent to their houses, the slytherins made their way down to the dungeons. Draco personally loved this area, but he'd never tell anyone that. The cold, dampness of it made it even more sinister, which was something Draco liked.
Draco, crabbe, goyle, and pansy stayed up for a little longer and talked in the common room, not tired enough to go to sleep just yet.
While Draco had his attention on pansy sitting next to him while she was talking, he noticed her blue eyes change momentarily to brown and he got confused. He always thought pansys blue eyes were beautiful but now that they were brown, oh they were gorgeous! Only for a second he could've sworn that her eyes went brown but now that he looked at them, they were blue.
"Draco?" Draco turned his attention back to pansy who apparently asked him a question. "Hmm?" He asked, trying to make it seem like nothing weird happened.
"You spaced out for a second, I asked you a question."
"Oh I'm just tired. I think I'll go to bed." He got up, nodded at them, and left before pansy even got to ask him her question.
Dracos thoughts were clouded as he changed and got into bed, having a rough time calming down his thoughts before he drifted to sleep

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