Chapter 2

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Hermione: when hermoine woke up the next day, her thoughts were immediately clouded and she had trouble staying focused on anything. She stumbled over her feet while walking and spaced out when people were talking to her. It was very un-hermione-like. Harry and Ron asked her if she was okay and she distractedly answered yes. They weren't convinced.
They had potions with the Slytherins today and made their way to the classroom. The three sat in their normal spots and waited for everyone to file in. Hermione noticed Draco come in and she immediately turned her attention to her potions book, trying to make it seem like she was reading it. Her cheeks reddened as she felt Draco sweep past her to sit in the back of the room.
"He shouldn't be making me feel this way" she thought to herself and tried to stop thinking about it.
Snape told them their assignment for the day and left them to get to work.
Hermione was quick to get up and over to the potions cabinet, wanting to start this potion as quickly as she could. She gathered what she needed and as she turned to get out of the swarm of students coming her way, someone bumped into her and knocked a few things out of her grasp.
"Sorry" hermione and whoever bumped into her said at the same time. She looked up at the person and locked her eyes onto grey ones. She sucked in a breath and she felt her cheeks redden. The familiar twinge in her gut seemed to double. Draco Malfoy had the prettiest shade of grey eyes she'd ever seen. His skin was even paler up close and his lips were a light pink.
After another couple seconds of intense eye contact, she came back to her senses and went to pick up her fallen items. She went to grab a stray bezoar when a hand reached it first and held it up to her. She looked sheepishly back up at Draco who had the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. She was utterly baffled that this, this, snake could ever show any thoughtful emotions.
She took the bezoar and quickly gathered the rest of her things and scurried back to her table. She placed everything where they needed to be and put all her attention into starting the potion. It turns out that being flustered makes hermione work even harder and she ended up finishing way before anyone else. She sat back in her chair and exhaled tiredly. She tried to start some other work but her thoughts kept straying back to the blond boy in the back of the room. Did she like him? Or was it all looks. She couldn't answer those questions and she sat there trying to sort out her thoughts. She couldn't deny that Draco WAS indeed attractive, BUT she also kept in mind that his personality was rotten and there's no way they'd ever get along. But what if they did? Would that be so wrong? Maybe he changed over the summer. Maybe SHE could change him.... She shook her head before her thoughts could get any more toxic and tried to start over.
Maybe she's lonely and will find any guy appealing. She looked around the room and silently judged the boys from where she was. None of them seemed to muster up any feelings inside of her like the one did. She must actually like him. She wanted to slap herself. This was so unlike her; to let a boy distract her so much that it disrupts her way of life. She'd never been one to seek out a relationship or crush on any boys....but maybe something changed in her last year at the Yule Ball when she went with Viktor Krum.
Another thought popped into her head: did Draco like her back? He looked pretty fond when staring in her eyes, and every time they saw each other this school year they became flustered. Maybe she was imagining it, but she believed she wasn't the only one crushing on an enemy here. She smiled to herself subconsciously as she imagined Draco ever liking her back. She quickly realized where her thoughts had gone to once again, and groaned inwardly. She needed to snap out of this.
It's not like she could talk to anyone about this issue and get a second opinion; it was quite a complicated issue. She couldn't let anyone know that she stooped low enough to fall for a douchebag solely on looks. It would ruin her reputation. And she's pretty sure she'd stir up some beef with Pansy if she ever found out, which wouldn't take too long if she ever told anyone. And she DEFINITELY couldn't confide in Ron or Harry, who despise Malfoy more than anyone and wouldn't accept any part of it.
"You can't fall for someone who called you a mudblood" she thought to herself and gathered her bearings. She wouldn't let him rule her anymore.
Once everyone had finished, snape came around and checked everyone's potions, hermiones getting the most praise.
"Class dismissed"
Everyone grabbed their things and filed out, hermione taking the lead as she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
She waited outside the door for Harry and Ron and didn't answer them when they asked about her recent behavior.
"And what was that with Draco earlier?" Harry asked, making hermione scream internally at the sudden change of topic.
"W-what?" Hermione tried playing it cool but she wasn't the best actor by no means.
"I saw you briefly staring at each other like you were the best thing either of you had ever seen."
"O-oh. Well that was nothing, merely an awkward situation after he bumped into me."
"Right." Ron said with an eye roll.
They made their way to their next class in silence.
Draco: Draco woke up the next morning with a small voice plaguing his thoughts. "Mudblood! Mudblood! Mudblood! Brown eyes! Brown curly hair! Gryffindor!"
"Agh." He voiced out loud to himself and tried rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Today was going to be a rough day.
The little voice in his head made it hard for him to concentrate on anything, and he kept tripping up and stumbling over his words. The other slytherins gave him an "are you okay?" kind of look here and there, as he wasn't acting his normal edgy self.
He and his friends made their way to potions with the gryffindors and when he walked in the room he immediately laid eyes on hermoine sitting at the table in the front of the room, eyes glued to her potions book. Any normal day he would've sneered and rolled his eyes at the try-hard goody-two-shoes, but today he found it endearing. She was so smart....
"Woah, woah, woah. Draco! Get yourself together!" He thought to himself. But as he walked next to where hermione was sitting and brushed up against her briefly, all self control was thrown out the window and he couldn't help but let his heart race.
He sat down in the back of the room and tried to gather himself while Snape told them today's potion assignment.
Afterwards he jumped up out of his seat with new motivational energy and made his way to the storage cabinet. He wanted to do this potion. Oh, how he was fucked.
As he made his way through the crowd, he bumped into someone and heard a few things clatter on the ground.
"Sorry." He grumbled as the other person nervously said it in sync with him. Why was he saying sorry? He never apologizes for anything. What has gotten into him??
He looked down at who he bumped into and locked gazed with brown eyes. She was a little shorter than he was with curly brown hair and small freckles dancing on her nose. Her facial features never looked so delicate and pretty. Why were they standing so close? One might wonder from afar. But in those few seconds nothing seemed to matter. The familiar twinge in his gut doubled and he blushed. Draco Malfoy, blushing! The epitome of a Slytherin, the boy who takes no orders from anyone, the boy whose vocabulary is mostly made up of sarcastic comments and insults, is blushing. Blushing at girl with no magic blood in her veins at all, a girl who once punched him in the face, a girl who he loathed just because she's friends with his worst enemy. But he. Didn't. Care.
She quickly dropped his gaze and went to pick up her dropped things, but he was quick to get there first. Draco! Stop it! You can't do that! What made you do that?! The voice yelled at him but he pushed it away and held up the bezoar in front of her. When she looked at him like it was the strangest thing he'd ever done, he smiled slightly because she'd never looked so interesting to him. She seemed to realize the situation once more and quickly took her things and rushed to her table. Draco was left there feeling oddly light and even MORE distracted. It took him a second to register the task at hand and he walked over to the cabinet, gathering his things.
He went to the back of the room and got to work, using his newfound motivation to procure a great potion.
He glanced at the front of the room here and there and noticed hermione working more furiously than he'd ever seen her. He hoped he was the one behind her flustered state.
He finished with a good amount of time to spare and his friends gave him a questioning look but didn't push it. He took another glance to the front of the room and noticed hermione already done and staring off into space. Usually she's onto her other work but today she seems to be distracted. Draco smirks.
Did he actually like her, or was it all about looks? He had to admit that she does look kind of pretty....but that doesn't mean her personality's any better. She's still a stubborn, mudblood, teachers pet, who can't seem to have any fun in her life. They'd never get along. But what if they did? Would that be so awful? Gosh! Draco, pull yourself together. She's not the worst person ever, he thought to himself.
He mentally slapped himself and tried pulling his thoughts together again.
This was so unlike him. He never tried to be in a relationship or have any crushes because he's never had time to worry about finding someone when hes actively following Voldemort's commands.
Did she like him back? They seemed to share a moment just a bit ago and every time they've seen each other this year they've gotten flustered. Maybe he's just imagining things but he can't help but to believe that maybe he's not the only one with a 'liking your enemy' thing here. The thought of her liking him back made him feel all warm inside, something that someone like him would never even imagine feeling.
And it's not like he could tell anybody about his sudden dilemma. He could already hear the incredulous reactions and insults being thrown his way for liking a mudblood. Especially one that every Slytherin despised for being a hot-headed know-it-all. And he DEFINITELY couldn't tell Pansy because he had the largest suspicion that she liked him and he didn't want to cause any drama. She's one of his only closest friends....
"You can't fall for someone you called a mudblood." He thought to himself.
"But he can! And he just did." The stupid little voice came back and screwed up his train of thought again.
Snape came around and checked everyone's potions, dracos getting more praise than usual. Snape seemed impressed....and suspicious. His friends just gave him and weird look and he glared at them. It wasn't such a bad thing to get good grades, right? Well it shouldn't be.
"Class dismissed"
Everyone made their way out of the room and draco noticed hermione at the front of the group, looking eager to get out. He smirked again.
"Draco? What has gotten into you?!" Pansy came up to him in the hall and brought him out of his thoughts.
"W-what do you mean?" He said, trying to sound composed.
"You haven't said one rude thing all day, you're spacing out more, and you got a good grade on the potions assignment-without Snape being biased!" He wouldn't look her in the eye as she said it, he knew that if he did he'd give it all away and he knew she was right.
"I don't know....maybe I'm stressed." He suggested. Hopefully she would buy his lame excuse.
"Stressed? About what?!" She seemed even more worked up now, drawing some people's attention around them as her voice slightly got louder.
"Ya Voldemort."
"That's never bothered you before."
"Well maybe it does now!" He finally looked at her and gave her a death glare. She seemed to falter a bit and he walked ahead of her. He knew he'd feel bad about it later but she deserved it for interrogating him so much.

Hermione: the rest of the day went better than the morning, hermione not running into Draco at all. She calmed down gradually through the day and her thoughts weren't as clouded. Harry and Ron stopped looking at her weird and they all just acted normal again.
She thought maybe that she had this under control and she could live peacefully again. Oh, how she was wrong.
All the students of hogwarts made their way into the dining hall for dinner, sitting at their designated tables. When hermione walked in with Ron and Harry, her eyes immediately found their way to the Slytherin table. She found a blond head of hair and all those composed walls she built for herself today crumbled. Oh merlins beard
She absentmindedly sat down and tried tuning in on her friend's conversations, but only picked up a few words here and there.
She distractedly made it through dinner, ignoring everyone's attempts to try and talk to her. She desperately wanted to get away from everyone and sleep.
She waited for Harry and Ron like normal, only to assure them that everything WAS normal. The gryffindors filed into their common room, some going straight for the dormitories, others staying up.
"Well, goodnight guys. See you tomorrow." She said to Harry and Ron as soon as they made their way in. She couldn't stand another minute of it.

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