Meet Will Solace - Jasmine Wakner

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^^Jasmine's outfit for the dance

Hello worthless people, my name is Jasmine Walkner, and I am so much better than you. I have long dark hair, soft brown eyes, and a Latina tan. I'm the Queen of Kennedy High, and I tell everyone that I'm a legacy of Aphrodite. That's not true, I know all of my grandparents, but everyone knows my mom so I can't say that I'm her daughter. The homecoming dance is on Friday, and rumour has it, Will Solace is going to ask me. Sure I'm rich and popular, but I'm not a slut with a million boyfriends. I actually really like Will. All the girls ask him out, who wouldn't. He has golden curly hair, a perfect tan, and amazing crystal blue eyes. He's like the definition of hot. He's always rejecting girls, and guys, saying he's in a relationship with someone with black hair and dark brown eyes. Me! I'm sitting at the back of the class, I think it might be math, in my purple chair drinking a strawberry milkshake, day dreaming about Will. Did I mention that my daddy's the principal, I get to do whatever I want because I'm just that perfect.

Time skip, lunch.

Will still hasn't asked me out. He's sitting with his basketball team talking about Athena knows what. I'm looking at him from across the cafeteria, but instead of looking back lovingly, he's just looking like he wants to cry. He's staring at his food, playing with the necklace he always wears. It's a black skull with ruby eyes. My waiter comes up to me with a salad and a strawberry milkshake, because I'm that fab, and places it on my pink table with purple chairs and a sparkling green J in the middle. I decided that if he hasn't asked me by the end of the day, I would have to ask him myself.

Time skip, end of the day.

He didn't ask me out, so now I have to take matters into my own hands. There he is, sitting on the steps. Wait doesn't he usually drive himself home, he must be waiting for me. I strut up to him and smile. He smiles back, but it doesn't reach his eyes, weird. "So, will I see you on my arm in a tuxedo with a nice blue tie hanging from your neck, on Friday?" Strait to the point.

"Umm, no." I smile and walk away, then I realized what he just said.

"What! Oh I get it, you'll be wearing a different coloured tie. Well what colour is it so I can buy my dress accordingly."

"It will be black, and I won't be on your arm. I'm in a relationship and I'm bringing that person to the dance with me." I'm about to respond when a black Lamborghini with a golden sun on the hood pulls into the parking lot. Everyone's eyes turned to the car, to see who was about to become the coolest kid in school. And to everyone's surprise, William Freaking Solace walked up to the car and got in the passenger seat.

Time skip, Friday.

I'm wearing a dark blue knee length dress with a diamond belt and matching blue pumps. I arrived at the dance late so I could make a fashionably late entrance, but Will wasn't there yet. He came in about fifteen minutes later wearing a yellow dress shirt with the top button undone so you could see his skull necklace. Beside him was a guy who was a few inches shorter. He had black hair, dark eyes, and olive Skin. He was wearing a black dress shirt with the top button undone showing off a golden sun pendant on a leather cord. What shocked me even more was that Will was holding hands with this guy. "Hey will, who's your friend?" I asked flirtatiously.

"Ummm, this is Nico Di Angelo my..." he turned to the guy, as if he was asking for permission to say something.

The guy smiled and nodded. "I'm his Fiancée. And you must be the girl who thought flirting with him was a good idea."

"WHAT!!!!!!!" The music stopped and everyone turned to face us. "You are not gay, I won't accept that behaviour. It's just a faze. And you can't be ENGAGED. I mean who gets married when their seventeen?" The crowd was silent. "You, if you don't leave right now, I'll get my daddy, the principal, to kick you out."

"Like your 'daddy' has any power over me."

"He does when you're on school property."

"Yeah, but is it really his property, because I believe the gods own the whole world."

"But it's still my daddy's school. And William Solace if you refuse to date me I will get you expelled."

"Okay, Princess. Will is mine, so he's not going to be dating anyone. And I'm sure we can offer your father things better than his daughter's happiness." Then that weirdo emo goth guy stole my man and left.

Time skip, three months later.

I did it. I finally found out how to bring down William Solace. You see, after the school found out that he was gay and getting married, I was hoping that everyone would make fun of him and he would just leave. But that didn't happen, everyone praised him even more. Then I told my dad that he needs to expel him, but he told me he couldn't. When I asked why, he would say that he swore on the river Styx not to tell. Well today the gods are coming to our school to reveal a demigod. So, I'll just tell them that Will has been disrespecting the gods by calling them names and making fun of them, which is actually true. He goes around talking about them like he's higher up than they are.

Time skip, assembly.

Yes, my plan is perfect. So Will is sitting with a group of popular, the ones that claim to be children of gods, and he's freaking smirking. Why, I don't know, but he won't be smirking when he gets blasted to bits. "Hello students, please give a respectful welcome to the Greek gods." The gods walk onto the stage and we all bow except for Will. And when we stop bowing, THE GODS BOW AT THE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE DEMIGODS. What the hades. So maybe they were telling the truth.

"Hello mortals, I am Zeus. We are here to reveal our most powerful son of Apollo." What, a son of Apollo, I thought it would be someone cool like Zeus or Ares. The captain of the basketball team starts to walk up to the stage.

"Hello father."

"You are not my son you fool. Could my real son please get up here."

"Apollo my dear nephew, let me handle this." Said a man who was definitely hades. Hades snapped his fingers, and Nico Freaking Di Angelo, the guy who stole my man appeared on stage. Hades spoke again, "if my almost son in law does not come up right now, I will lock your fiancée in the underworld for a month."

Wait what! Will ran up onto the stage and tacked Nico in a hug. "Missed you too Sunshine."

"Missed you more death breath."

"Excuse me. I don't mean to be rude, but are you aware that William Solace has been speaking of the gods like he is a higher being?" I asked hoping to bring him down.

Then the most beautiful lady every spoke, "Yes dear, we are aware. And he has the right to speak however he likes because he has assisted in the saving of the world many times. William, Nico, Titles."

"I am William Solace, son of Apollo, (insert Will's other titles here), and fiancée of Nico Di Angelo."

"I'm Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, (insert Nico's other titles here), and fiancée of William Solace. And we are leaving. Close your eyes." We did and there was a flash of light that would have been blinding if we didn't. When we opened our eyes they were gone, and we never saw them again.

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