Meet Nico Di Angelo - Jessica McAllen

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^^Jessica's outfit

OMG. He is super duper hot. The He I'm talking about is Nico Di Angelo. He has black hair, almost black eyes, olive skin, and an Italian accent that I just LOVE. No I don't plan on actually dating him, just making him get me pregnant with an adorable child so he can pay child support. Did I forget to introduce myself, oops. Anyway, my name is Jessica McAllen. I'm the most popular girl at Dark Light High. I have brown hair which I dyed honey blonde, green eyes that I cover with silvery blue contacts, and I'm a daughter of Aphrodite. Well not really, but who cares. Nico is so Mysterious, he wears all black except for a leather necklace with a gold sun pendant. Today is the day I'm going to ask him out. I'm the only girl who hasn't yet and I know that he absolutely loves me. How do I know this? Well, every time someone asks him out he says that he is in a "relationship" with someone with golden hair and crystal blue eyes, AKA, me.

Time skip, lunch.

There he is, sitting alone so we can have privacy while I ask him out, so thoughtful. I strut up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. In my sexiest voice ever I say, "hey hottie, I'll see you in my bed at eight. Nobody will be home." He turns around and I expect him to kiss me but he looks, disgusted? "Ew, no. I'm in a serious relationship and I don't plan on ending it." Then he gets up and walks away holding that stupid sun necklace in his hand.

Time skip, two months.

I have asked Nico out every day for the past two months. I even use the 'I'm the favourite daughter of Aphrodite' act, that gets every guy, but he just laughs and walks away. Oh well. Today we have an assembly during period three, I wonder what that's abouts.

Time skip, period three.

The whole school is sitting in the gym. There are fifteen chairs onstage but they are empty. The principal walks onto the stage looking really scared. "Hello students, today we have some special guests. Please welcome the Greek gods. Fourteen people walk on the stage and sit down. We all start bowing except for Nico he looks really pissed but really happy at the same time. Weird. "Hello mortals. I am Zeus and we are here to reveal one of the most important heroes of the century." The school player Jeff stood up and said, "hello father." Zeus just glared at him, we all knew he was lying. Two of the gods got up and started talking. "Hello I'm Apollo, this is Hermes. We would like our cousin and my almost son in law to come up on to the stage. If you don't I will recite all of my Haikus" Nobody went up. Then Hermes said, "my turn." With a devious smile. Suddenly a boy with curly golden hair, crystal blue eyes, and an amazing tan, appeared on stage. He was wearing a bright yellow tee shirt and khaki shorts, but his necklace threw off the whole outfit. It was on a brown leather cord and has a black skull. To be honest, he was almost as hot as Nico. Hermes started to speak again. "If our lovely hero does not come onto the stage right now mr. Solace-" the god was cut off by someone, with a sexy Italian accent, screaming, "sunshine." And Nico Di Angelo ran up onto the stage and tackled 'Solace' in a hug. "Miss you too, death breath." 'Solace' said. Then Nico turned to the gods and started talking in Greek, I think. "Μπορώ να πω τους θεούς τίτλους μου ή τους τίτλους μου;"(Do I say my godly titles or just my demigod titles?)
Then a man that looked like Nico, just older and paler said, "Ακριβώς οι τίτλοι σας για τους ημίθεους παρακαλώ."(Just your demigod titles please.) Then Nico turned to us and said, "hello, as you all know, my name is Nico Di Angelo. I am the son of hades,(insert other titles here), and fiancée of William Solace." Then before anyone could comment blondie said, "I am William Solace, son of Apollo, (insert other titles here), and fiancée of Nico Di Angelo." "What!" I screamed, "Nico can't be gay, and he can't be engaged, he's mine." "Nope, I'm Will's." Then my supposed to be baby daddy gave Will a kiss, full on the lips, and, who I would assume is Aphrodite, squealed. When they broke apart, Nico turned to Aphrodite and said, "by the way, a girl claimed to be your favourite daughter, AKA Pipes." "Oh, I know. I've already dealt with her." Then the gods, and demigods flashed out.

Time skip, when she gets home from school.

When I go home from school I was terrified all of my hair dye, contacts, and makeup, where gone. Even my designer clothes were gone. I was devastated.

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