Chapter 11.

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Harmonee’s P.O.V.

I pushed Knox away while more tears streamed down my face. I ran out of the room, my high heels long forgotten. I could hear the faint slapping of his expensive shoes hitting the old oak floor behind me, but I didn't dare look back, I couldn't. I ran down many flights of stairs. Finally hitting ground floor, I burst into the lobby. The old lady at the front desk had a bewildered look printed on her face as if I’ve been cursing the worst curse words known only to God himself.  I pushed through the heavy front doors, not knowing which way to run back to my house, I turned left and continued running. As I left the parking lot I heard the roar of an old engine screech to life.

    The farther i ran the more discreet everything became. Until I came along the lats road standing. A narrow dirt road that's surrounded by trees. I could just barely see the sun rising, meaning I hadn't gotten any sleep at all.   My beautiful white gown was now muddy and torn, my feet ached. They were muddy and bloody, because I so smartly didn't bring back up shoes, and the shoes I did bring were left in that god for saken' room where I had my encounter with Knox. I finally came upon a “DEAD END” sign. My feet hurt, I was tired, and had no fucking idea where the hell I was. So I just sat my happy ass down, right next to the sign. My head tilting to the side as I drifted off to sleep. With my last thought being... Holy shit, I’m going to die.



    I have been driving around for hours now. I have no idea where the fuck Harmonee ran to, I called her friend Jackson and he had no idea either. So I’m driving down this creepy ass road in the middle of nowhere, just hoping to find her, Harmonee. As a “DEAD END” sign comes into view, I’m ready to give up, then I notice something, more like someone. I pull up a little closer and realize that it is in fact Harmonee. I put my car in park and run over to her. She’s sleeping, I think. But she doesn’t look well. I scoop her up bridal style, she only stirs a little. I gently put her in the passenger seat of my car, buckle her up and race to the hospital. She may look okay but I just have this gut feeling that she’s not going to be okay. I barely got my car in park before I was carrying her into the ER demanding someone help her.

“Nurse! Someone I need help!” I yelled. All at once three different nurses came rushing toward me, one with a gurney and two others to help see what’s wrong with her.

“Sir, you need to go wait in the waiting room.” A nurse said.
“What? No!” I yelled, worry flourishing through me like a tsunami.

“Sir, I said you need to wait in the waiting room! Wait! You can’t go back there!” I heard her faintly yell as I pushed through the double doors that clearly state that I can not go back there. But I did any way. I didn’t know which way to go so I ran straight then took a left. My head flipping both ways as I searched for her. When all of a sudden I was tackled by someone.

I didn’t know what was going on, as I hit the ground. The air was knocked out of me and I felt a slight pinch in my arm, and when everything was going black the last thought on my mind was; This is what Harmonee must of felt like when I tackled her.



I woke up to an annoying beeping sound and the worried huffs of my twin brother. As I went to move over on my side I groaned in pain and went back to my original spot. By then I realized the huffing had stopped and Alek was bent over staring at me.

"Are you okay?"
"Just peachy." I came off sarcastic and bitter. "Why am I in the hospital?" I groaned again.

"Knox, found you and he said it seemed like you were not okay, so he brought you here, but he wanted to make sure you were okay before he called anyone, so he ran after you and then was tackled by a security guard  and the was sedated. And he wants to see you but I told him to wait until you were okay, so he is currently pacing the waiting room to hear from me." He said in one big breath. "So do you want to see him?" he asked.

I remember everything now. Running away, how bad mt poor feet felt. And falling asleep out by the "DEAD END" sign. But after that i don't remember anything after that.  "Sure." I said.

Alek left and then it was just me and the beeping of the monitor. A few minutes later a giggling Alek and a really worried Knox. "Harmonee?" he called as he walkd in. I knew Alek was being mean to him so I scoweled at him.

"Yes, Knox?" I asked.
"Oh, goodness! You are okay!" He shouted back.


Sorry it's so short...

I've been really busy, with my birthday being last monday and all.

Xoxo~ Cinderella


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