Help Me Understand

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"Don't be a women who needs a man, be a women a man needs!"


His words sent a chill through me, but I couldn't help the smile that drifted on my face.

He was always so sweet and supportive when I needed him to be, but how could I carry on now? All I wanted was a normal relationship, a normal life, but now things were twisted and my life would never continue normally. Goodbye simplicity...hello chaos. Even if Hunter wasn't human or even close to it, he still acted the same as he always did, and I was thankful for that. It was good to have at least one person on your side.

"So is your uncle an Angel too?" I ask him.

"Yeah, he is. He's not my uncle by the way, I chose him to introduce to you and your dad because we look alike, and he's also your dad's guardian angel, so that worked out well."

I scooted a little closer to him.

"So my dad should be safe in all this, right?" he looked uneasy.

"Well...that's where Micah comes in, or Micheal. He'll protect him, all you need to worry about is keeping safe. We need to lay down some stuff before we do anything else. First, and most important, you're going to have to pretend that you know absolutly nothing. Do you understand? You overhearing our conversation was a big mistake, and it's going to cost you if they find out you were here."

"I promise I won't let them know. But how will it cost me?"

"You're good to them right now because they think you're absolutly clueless. If they find out otherwise, you'll be no use to them. In their minds, if you know what they are, then the transformation will never work. That's how it used to be before He changed the rules. And if you're no use to them, they'll kill you for knowing too much. You get it?"

"Um... yes," I squeaked.

"Good. I'm not trying to sound harsh, I just need you to understand how important it is that you stay quiet."

"I know, and I will Hunter, no worries."

"There's always something to worry about, Angel. All I want is to keep you safe and in my arms." He reached over and grabbed my waist, pulling me backwards until I'm in his embrace, warm and secure. "And I don't want things to change between us. I liked where things have been going, do you still want things to be the sa-"

"Yes!" I nearly shouted, cutting him off. He chuckled and held me tighter.

"Well good. We still have to be careful, that means not walking as close to each other in school or talking too much, and I'm afraid we may not be able to go to Starbuck's anymore during lunch, it's too risky because they always see us leave."

I felt bad.

"This isn't going to be fun. So we basically just have to wait till the five months is over?"

"Yes, most likey. Then they'll move on like they always do. Thier attempts in the past have all been unsuccessful, usually thanks to me."

"Oh. Well, I have some questions for you then. So how many humans have you been assigned to as a Guardian angel, since you've been alve for thousands of years?"

"Alot. This may surprise you, but I've only ever been assigned to men, you're the first female," he said with a smile.

"Interesting, have you ever fallen in love before?"


My heart dropped.

"Oh really? With who?"

"Well, she doesn't fully love me yet, but I love her all the way." It took a moment to understand he was talking about me. My heart picked itself back up and fluttered.

"I think she's on her way to loving you too. How long have you known her?" I teased, but still wanting to know how long he had been watching over me.

"I've been your Guardian angel your whole life, you've just never known. Not to be creepy or anything but I know every single thing about you, I know ever memory that you have because I was there too, you just couldn't see me. And now, I'm here in the flesh, and I'm ready to kick some fallen angel ass if I have to for you."

I gave him a peck on the cheek, noticing how blemish free his skin was. Flawless.

"You're so sweet. I wish that you and I had nothing bad to deal with, wouldn't that be amazing?"

"It would be, yes. But remember it takes hard times to realise who your true friends are," he pointed to himself and I giggled.

"What happens if the human you were assigned to dies?"

"It always happens, I can't always protect them, but when they die I will definetly be there to help guide them into Heaven, where they will be their own angel." I thought about this for a moment.

"Where do you live at? Do you actually live in a house here on earth?"

"I live in Heaven. Every night I float back up and stay there to watch over you."

"And your eyes, are you aware they change color a lot?" I ask him.

"Yes, it just...happens. Whenever I'm about to get in a fight or deal with something dangerous, they usually turn dark. Whenever they see you-"

"-They turn sky blue. Or at least that's what I've noticed."

"Very true. And any other time they just turn random colors."

"I just thought of something random. Tony said that you called Chris a wetback, is that true?"

"First, let me just say that this isn't the 'mexicano' gang you thought it was. "Chris" isn't his real name, it's just part of the act. And yes, I said it only to get Tony to mention me to you, so you knew I was coming. I didn't mean it though, so you know." I nodded, understanding.

"How about in the assistant principle's office, when you were sitting next to Tony. I thought you guys didn't know each other?"

"Oh, we did. It was part of the act, we couldn't talk in front of you because we wanted to keep everything a secret, but now...."

"And how come you punched Chris in the face?"

He smirked. "That was just to get your attention. And to show the fallen angel's that I don't fuck around. Chris wasn't actually knocked out, by the way."

"Did you really know when Tony punched me? Were you there?"

"Yes, I was there. I can be invisible to you, and I saw everything that happened, that's why I was there with my truck just in time. What baffles me is why Tony hit you, if he's trying to get you to love him? He must have some sort of plan..."

"Well, his little "plan" ruined his chances with me. Like you said, all I have to do is wait out the five months, and I'll be fine!"

"Um, Angel?"


"We have to set up some sort of plan, because there's no way in hell he'd let you go without a fight..."




Kissed By My Angel~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now