I Am His And He Is Mine

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The very next morning was the Soulmate Ceremony. It wasn't like a ordinary wedding because only witnesses were allowed to attend. Since Jenna was the one who arranged the ceremony, she was the only witness. And she was also hired to give Tyler away to Josh.

Once everything was ready, Jenna and Tyler walked out the doors of the South Farms building and walked down the parking lot arm to arm till they got to the big tree, which was where Jenna said the ceremony would take place.

Josh was already standing next to the preacher. He was dressed in a white long sleeved shirt with a black neck tie. Jenna was wearing a red tank dress with a single stripped line down the side which revealed her leg. And Tyler wore the exact same shirt with black neck tie like Josh.

Once they got down to the ceremony, Josh came down to claim Tyler. That's when Tyler started to become nervous. Jenna looked upon him.

"Hey." She said.

Tyler looked at her.

"You can do this." Jenna said. "I know you can."

She placed one last gentle kiss on his forehead before he took Josh's arm.

Together, they walked up to the preacher standing behind the big tree. Once Tyler and Josh were in front of the preacher, the ceremony began.

"Witnesses of families Joseph and Dun, we are gathered here today under the sight of our beloved hometown to join two people together as soulmates now and forever until the end of their days."

The preacher took a piece of cloth and wrapped it around Tyler and Josh's hands.

"Under the sight of our beloved hometown, I hearby seal these two souls together as one for all eternity. Look to each other and say the words."

Tyler and Josh turned to each other. They placed their other hands together.

"Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger. I am his and he is mine, from this day until the end of my days."

The preacher looked to Jenna.

"Mrs. Black?" He said. "You're our only witness to this ceremony. Would you like to say a few words before I declare the couple?"

Jenna smiled to Tyler and Josh.

"Tyler, I am happy with what you decided to do." She said. "It's a good a choice to join yourself with Josh. I know how much you love him. Especially after he saved your life. I wish you and him the best life you can have for the rest of your life. I love you Tyler."

The preacher looked to Tyler and Josh.

"In the name of our beloved hometown, I now pronounce Tyler Robert Joseph and Joshua William Dun as soulmates. You both can kiss."

Tyler and Josh kissed each other as Jenna looked on. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. She was so happy for them. Even though she may never find anyone like Tyler, she will always love him and be in his family's life.

During the ceremony, Brendon had secretly arrived. He was infuriated by the fact that Tyler's alive. But, he wasn't with Jenna anymore. He knew because he witnessed Josh bring Tyler back with the power of true love.

After the ceremony, Tyler's friends and family showed up for the reception party. Jenna decided to go inside to go to the bathroom. That's when she spotted Brendon in one of the rooms.

She slowly and quietly walked in and snuck behind Brendon. When he turned around, he saw her holding a knife.

"Jenna." He said faintly in a whisper.

"My name is Jenna Black." She said. "I want you to know that. Because the last thing you are ever going to see, is the Josephs smiling down on you as you die."

She pulled Brendon by the back of his head to her chest and held the knife to his throat. That's when he started to cry for mercy.

"No! Please don't kill me Jenna!" He begged.

"Why shouldn't I?" Jenna asked. "Because if I let you live, you'll come back to kill Tyler."

"I'll go!" Brendon said. "I'll leave hometown for good."

Jenna looked upon him like he was true to his word. Then she pulled him to her face.

"If you ever come to hometown or if I ever see you again, I will kill you and bury your body in the woods." She warned. "Do I make myself clear Brendon Urie?"

"Yes." Brendon said.

Jenna pushed away. Still pointing the knife at him.


Brendon walked out of South Farms and went into his car and drove away. Tyler and Josh watched.

"I wonder where he's going?" Tyler said.

"South." Jenna said as she stood next to them. "South oh here. He's going away for good."

Tyler smiled at her.

"You're the best." He said.

While Tyler and Jenna exchanged smiles at each other, Josh looked onto them.

"We better go get ready soon." He said.

"Ready for what?" Jenna asked.

Tyler grabbed Josh's hand.

"It's a surprise." He said.

Josh and Tyler took off running to go get ready for something special for everyone. Which is what anyone not knew was going to happen.

Even Jenna.

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