Home Again?

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Tyler rode with Josh and his girlfriend Debby to their home.

During the drive, Tyler was very eager to finally be somewhere after spending so much time alone in the dark.

Tyler saw how beautiful Canton looked, even in the dark. He saw the buildings and how they lit up at night.

Eventually, Tyler saw that they have left town and went into the countryside near some beautiful neighborhoods.

After a few small turns through different neighborhoods, they finally arrived at their house.

"You help our guest." Debby said as she got out of the car.

Josh looked over at Tyler.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." Tyler said.

Josh got out of the car and went over to the back and opened the door for his guest.

"Here, I'll help you."

Josh put out his hand and Tyler grabbed it and he was helped out of the car.

"You didn't have to do that." Tyler said.

"A guest has to be helped." Josh said. "Debby makes the rules clear with guests when they are invited into our home."

Tyler followed Josh into their house. Once he got inside, he was amazed at how the house looked. It wasn't big but it was really nice.

"Pretty cozy is it?" Josh asked.

"It's wonderful." Tyler said.

Josh held out his hand.

"I'll show you around."

Tyler held his hand while Josh showed him around their home.

After going through the entire house, Josh showed Tyler the guest bedroom. It had a closet full of boy clothes and girl clothes, along with boxer shorts, pants, shoes, socks, and bras for the girls.
The room also had a small desk and a queen size bed with a small bathroom on the side.

Tyler was stunned at how neat it looked.

"I want you to feel like the guest in this house." Josh told him. "If there is anything you need, let me know and you will have it."

Tyler smiled.

"You are so kind."

Josh went over to the desk and gave Tyler a small notebook.

"Please tell me about your stay in this house." Josh said. "Write down your feelings in the notebook and I will read it when you leave."

Tyler hugged Josh.

"You are a great friend." He said. "I would love to use this notebook."

Before Josh said more, his girlfriend peaked her head through the door.

"I'm starting dinner guys." She said.

"Thank you Debby. Tyler said."

The girl smiled at Tyler but gave a nasty look at her boyfriend.

"Josh, you need to start the laundry soon."

"Yes Debby." Josh said.

He left the room. Tyler decided to start writing down his feelings about his first night with Josh and Debby. But, he couldn't think of anything.

All he had on his mind was hometown and how he missed his family. Including his fiancée Jenna. So he wrote down his feelings about his home.

March 28th 2015,
A shadow tilts its head at me
Spirits in the dark are waiting
I won't let them win, go quietly
I won't let them win, go quietly
Be the one, be the one
To take my soul and make it undone
Be the one, be the one
To take me home and show me the sun
I know, I know
You can bring the fire, I can bring the bones
I know, I know
You make the fire in my bones, and make it grow
Where we're from
There's no sun
Our hometown's in the dark
Where we're from
We're no one
Our hometown's in the dark
Our hometown's in the dark

Tyler marked the page completed and left the room for dinner.

Afterwards, he decided to take a warm shower and head to bed. He had never felt like home in a stranger's house.

He was happy with everything he was in. Though he missed hometown, he was happy to be safe. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Hometown: JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now