Don't Go

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Back at the hotel, Jenna sat alone on her bed while Brendon sat on his bed with his phone.

Jenna was sad. She couldn't find Tyler. She tried everything she could but, she didn't succeed.

When Brendon saw the sadness in Jenna's eyes, he was overjoyed. But still, he needed to get rid of Tyler because he knows Jenna will find him.

Brendon looked over to her.

"You haven't moved an inch since we arrived." He said.

"Why should you care?" Jenna said.

"I understand that you want to find Tyler. Believe me I do."

Jenna stood up.

"You brought him here and you left him here. You're just pretending to care!"

"Jenna please-"

"No!" Jenna corrected. "I am done with you."

She got into his face.

"But I promise you, when my beloved Tyler is found, you will not touch him or do any harm to him. You will be a loyal groomsman at the wedding. Got it?!"

Brendon didn't answer the first time.

"GOT IT?!" Jenna shouted once again.

"Yes Jenna." Brendon said.


Jenna got away from him and grabbed her keys. Brendon followed her.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to find Tyler."

"But it's too late tonight!"

Jenna had already gotten into her car and started the engine.

"What matters is I find him." She said before driving off.

As soon as she left, Brendon was filled with rage. So he sat by the hotel room and smoked.

Jenna drove into the cold dark road. As she drove, she started to remember when she first met Tyler and when he sang to her for the first time.

"Are you the ukulele boy?"

"Yes, yes I am. Tyler is my real name."

"Jenna. I've always wanted to see you sing."

"Really? I can sing a song right now for you."

"Please do."

"Have you ever heard of a song called Trees?"

"No. Please sing it to me, I would love to hear."

Jenna started to weep silently as she recalled the memory.

I know
Where you stand
In the trees

And that's
Where I am
In the trees

Why won't you speak?
Where I happen to be
In the trees
Standing cowardly

I can feel your breath
I can feel my death
I want to know you
I want to see
I want to say

Jenna kept on repeating those words.

"I can feel your breath." She sang as she cried. "I can feel my death. I want to know you. I want to see. I want to say."

Jenna broke down on the final word.


She pulled over and cried onto the steering wheel.

"I miss you Tyler." She said out loud. She didn't care if anyone heard.

"I miss you ukulele boy."

Suddenly, she saw someone through a house window. It looked like Tyler. Jenna was overjoyed that she had to cry a little more. But she realized it was a bit late so she made her way back to the hotel.

Meanwhile, Tyler sat on the side of the bed buttoning up his pajamas.

Suddenly, Josh came into the room.

"Tyler." He said.

Tyler looked up to him.

"I had such a great time tonight."

Tyler smiled at him.

"I know that your probably thinking that your uh, what's her name again?"

"Jenna." Tyler said.

"Right." Josh said. "Your probably still thinking that she's coming for you."

"I don't just know that she's coming for me Josh. She is."

Josh began to feel doubtful.

"Yeah. But look, I was just wondering if it worked out and you decided you were going to stay, we could fix this room up a bit. Make it your room. You can have the piano, you'll work for me at my shop, you can live here."

Tyler grinned just a bit.

"That's very kind of you Josh. But Jenna is coming for me."

Josh started to feel even more doubtful when he heard his friend say that he still holds hope that Jenna will find him. He had to rig it up a bit.

"What if she isn't?"

Tyler raised his voice.

"Why are you asking me this?!"

Josh kneeled down in front of him.

"It's because I've never seen this girl." He said.

"You may have told me about her, but that doesn't mean that she'll come."

"She is coming!" Tyler yelled.

"Tyler Joseph-"

"Don't say my full name!" Tyler yelled as he got up.

"Jenna is not coming!" Josh yelled back.


Tyler pushed him back with his hands.

"What is your deal man? Do you love me? Is that why you don't want me to leave."

Josh's heart jumped when he heard Tyler ask him that.

"No, I just don't believe she'll come." Josh said. "Canton is a dark small place. Hardly anyone come here. Jenna isn't coming for you so stop believing in it."

Tyler was shocked. He got into his face.

"Joshua Dun, how could you? After everything we did together, after the wonderful night we had, you come to me and do this?"

Tyler got close to him and touched Josh's chest.

"I'm..I'm sorry." Josh said.

He had a tear come down his eye. Tyler saw it come down. He hugged him.

"Don't go." Josh whispered to him.

"I don't want to." Tyler said. "I just wanna go home."

Josh gently placed his lips onto Tyler's forehead. He did it so softly that Tyler couldn't feel them. Then, he let go and walked away.

But before he left his room, he turned around and looked at him.

"Goodnight Tyler." He said.

Tyler fell onto his bed and felt sadness in him.

Don't go. He said silently to himself.

Josh sat on the side of his bed, Debby was already on her side sleeping. He felt sad. And bad as well.

Don't go. He thought to himself. Then the tears starting falling down harder than ever.

He realized that Tyler was going away.

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