Intruding greaser

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"Well duh who else would it be idiot."
Jimmy pov

I huddled my body to one part of the shower cubicle as I herd Johnny walk back and forth past the mirror doing his morning routine.

"So got yourself in some trouble aye?" Johnny voice became muffled as he brushed his teeth.

"Uh...yeah by that Russel dude."

"Oh yeah I know him, I would hate to be you I think he's like 20 something and still in highschool." I rinsed all the shampoo out of my hair and started to soap up my hands to keep myself busy.

"Why are you up so early Johnny."

"I always get up this early it's nice to have time away from the guys for a lil bit, you feel me?"

"Yeah I get it." I heard Johnny hum and I crouched down to see Johnny's feet now faced towards me in the shower.

I could feel my heart trying to burst out of my chest, and for the first time since I went to bible camp when I was 4 I actually felt like praying.

"Your unusually nice right now, what are you doing up so early new kid." I could feel my breath catch in my throat and for once I was silent.

"Aye I'm talking to you!" Johnny's voice was laced with impatience.

"I just.....want to get ready in silence is that a crime!" Johnny's feet turned from the shower stall and back towards the mirror.

"Chill dude no need to get mad if your jerking it in the bathroom I understand."

"I'm not jacking it you weirdo!" I let the water catch over my body clearing off the soap.

"Ugh you almost sound like another person I know."

"And who the hell would that be?"

"The most sluttiest broad, Lola, I loved her and she likes to make a fool out of me, ME, Johnny Vincent I know she's cheating on me with that Gordo kid." I rolled my eyes.

"Than break up with her."

"What no I love her." I just stared into nothing ignoring Johnny and his rant about his girlfriend until the water turned cold. I turned off the knobs and yanked the towel out of my water proof bag.

"What do you know huh, Have you been with her?"

"What no I don't even know the chick, calm down Johnny if you have an issue with her you need to talk to her, she won't understand until she gets it from the source." I could hear Johnny huff and I huffed straight back.

"Fine new kid I'll take your advice."



An obnoxious ringing filled the bathroom making my head hurt worse then when Johnny had started to yell and by the third ring I hit the side of the shower cubical.

"Get your stupid phone already!"

"It's not mine it's yours dude." I opened my shower bag only to remember that I had left it on the bathroom counter.

"Dude I'll just put it on speaker."

"No you don't have-" but before I could even get the sentence out of my damn mouth Johnny picks it up and I immediately recognized the voice.

"Jamie you forgot a bag of your weekend clothes in the car just stop by a store and pick some up, and text me and your dad the price so we can switch the money to your account."

"Huh, I think you have the wrong number ma'am."

"Who is this?"

"This is Jimmys Hopkins phone." I held my breath because I know my mom would love to put me because she's an evil dragon lady .

"Hmm so it is." I could hear the venom in her voice and I gulped and started to hurriedly get dressed in the shower stall, so if I had to knock Johnny out to keep him from knowing I would.

"Alright I guess I do have the wrong number thank you." I rushed out of the bathroom as soon as the hung up and grabbed it.

"Dude what the hell?"

"Don't pick up my phone."

"Why you got something to hide."

"No I don't, you don't want me in your business and I don't want you in mine." I walked back to the stall and yanked my bag from the hook and stomped back to my dorm room and hit the wall with my fist.

I was sure my door was locked up good as I dialed my mother number up waiting for her to pick up again.

"My name is Jimmy." I spoke out as soon as I herd her small breaths on the other side of the phone.

"I will call you Jamie because that is your birth name and you will answer to that because I am your mother do you understand me!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good and fix your tone I'm letting you be a boy at this school so I demand respect or else."

"Yes ma'am." 

"Learn some respect and quick young lady or I will call the principal up and tell him about your little game." I rubbed my temples feeling a headache coming on.

"Why can't you just be happy of the real me."

"Because Jimmy is not my daughter Jamie is." My mother hung up the phone in a flash but the damage was done, and I felt the last bit of the heart I had crushed.

I could talk as much shit and could beat the shit out of anyone but those words for some reason still got to me.


Rushing up I answered my door.

"What now Gary."

"Look this is the last time I'm asking I promise but Russell, he still wants to fight-."

"Fine let's do it."

"Wait really what changed your tiny mind." I clinched my fist, between Gary, mom and Johnny I needed to release this energy somewhere.

"Then if your ready follow me to the fighting rink Jim."


Jimmy Hopkins is Jamie Hopkins Where stories live. Discover now