Jamie is jimmy

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(This is from the video game Bully scholarship edition ITS AN AMAZING GAME its also $7 on the android/iOS you guys will not regret it💕)

Jamie was about 11 when she noticed the difference between her and the other girls at school. Physically she was the same as them, shoulder length red hair and golden eyes that always stayed a bit scrunched in an angry manner but that's not what made her different. What made her different was her hobbies.

While the other girls enjoyed curling their hair and lip gloss Jamie preferred to wrestle and throw punchies. Every time she came home covered in mud and dirt her mom gave her a ear full.

"UGH Jamie why can't you just be a normal girl for once in your life." Jamie cringed every time she screamed in her ear. Only at these times did she wish she could change how she felt, but through life she learned to brush comments from her mom off her shoulder.

It went in a constant cycle Jamie would come home with bruises and dust all over her body, he mom would clean her up curl her hair and send her off to school the next day only to have her mom scream at her again when she came home covered in grit from wrestling with a boy to hard.

"She'll grow out of it eventually"

"Maybe you should push her into it a lil' bit."

"Wait till she gets interested in a guy, then she'll change"

"You should make her wear more dresses"

"She just needs more girl friends instead of guys"

It seemed like everyone just couldn't mind their damn business in fact the only one who accepted Jamie was her real dad.

Every since she was little her dad had told her she could be what ever she wanted to. Which is why for her 11 birthday her dad got her first boy outfit.

It was simple a tan jacket with a pair of loose jeans and a beanie to hide her bright red hair only letting a swoop of it out on her forehead. But that wasn't enough.

She ran in her parents room and got a palette of brown bronzer carefully applying it to her face forehead and chin darkening her features. She looked in the mirror and for once she smiled at the face looking back at her. Yes, she liked being a girl but this just felt a lot better.

Once her dad and mom divorced, her mom didn't care so much about what she looked like but cared more about finding the next guy she could get so on the first day of the second year of middle school it was no surprise that she came downstairs dressed as a guy.

Her mom just signed massaged her temples and gave me my lunch wishing her daughter a good day. She walked out on the street towards the bus stop when suddenly a guy knocked in to her by mistake. She lowered her voice.

"Watch it loser!"

"Whoa sorry dude I've never seen you before what's your name?" Jamie thought for a few minutes.

"Jimmy...Jimmy Hopkins."
Ugh I'm so obsessed with Bully right now
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Jimmy Hopkins is Jamie Hopkins Where stories live. Discover now