When you meet (Hayline)

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Chase Young

You wandered around the ruins searching for the wu that recently appeared , as you were getting closer you heard a commotion 'Oh great someone is here already' you thought and sighed in annoyance , as you rounded the corner your eyes fell on six figures 'who are these idiots' you thought eyeing the group of four standing on a side with matching clothes 'are they serious?' *sigh* you looked over to the other boy who had red hair and was yelling loudly that even from the distance you felt your ears about to bleed , you looked at the last one 'what's that kid eeerrr....ghost? Saying?.....apparently She's yelling at the redhead' a growl came from the other side made everybody look at where it came from , a group of jungle cats walked over they seemed to be following a man wearing a green and red armor with a red belt he had long black hair and reptillian gold eyes 'huh? Who's that? What's he doing here? Well he's hot 😍 ...WAIT WHAT?' You face palmed at your thoughts, they seemed to be talking about something , 'aaaand they all ran towards the wu great' three of them reached the wu and grabbed it at the same time , the obnoxious redhead , a bald yellow gnome , and the sexy guy 'GODDAMMIT (Y/N) STOP!!!' They started a showdown the ...obviously most mature one from them all and apparently the oldest spoke to the gnome "well omi here we are again in another showdown" " Chase young get ready for a humiliating defeat" "I'M HERE TOO YA KNOW?" 'Ouch my ears' "shut up spicer" 'ok I got it now spicer the obnoxious brat , Omi: the yellow gnome , Chase young : the sexy one ...GODDAMNIT! (Y/-*sigh* ya know what ..forget it......oh yeah I'm not scolding myself that's (S/N) she lives in my mind...and She's annoying...HEY!!!...shshshshhh' the showdown started with the usual quote , the spicer guy was the first to charge 'idiot' as expected he ended up on his ass with just one swipe from Chase , Omi and Chase then got in a one on one battle , spicer returned and used his wu to fail miserably as Chase blocked it and Omi dodged , with a double hit from both he went flying off the arena screaming like a little girl 'is that brat even a villain?..... bruh my 2 year old cousin's pet mouse is more evil than him..... that vermin bites!.... im the one that gets bitten! .....i feel it too!' (Cursive is (S/N) while normal is your thougts ...mine is called spectra btw (S/N) is a spirit or smt like that you'll get more details in the future) the showdown kept going as you and (S/N) kept arguing as usual (it's like black zetsu and white zetsu but she's a voice only.....) the showdown ended with Omi losing and falling to the ground 'judging by the difference in his body mass his head is going to hit the ground first..... well ouch!' He landed head first like (s/n) said and his teammates ran towards him "it was a pleasure fighting you again omi , you have improved well" " it was a pleasure to me as well next time I'll spade it right in the hack pot" ' wait what?..... what language is that?' "Someone please translate" yelled the spirit that now you know as wuya (they all where shouting each others name during the showdown) 'apparently we are not the only ones that don't get it right (s/n)? ....yeah I freaked out for a second there I thought I'm hallucinating or smt' " I guess he meant next time I'll Ace it in the jackpot" said Raimondu 'that wasn't even close thought/yelled the both of you and wuya as they left you where getting ready to leave as well when 'What da hell?' You thought as all of a sudden something brushed your leg and you looked down seeing a .....tiger? "Oh hi there" you kneeled down and started petting the orange and black striped tiger "what are you doing here?" You asked it and narrowed your eyes "especially away from your master-EEEKK!" you looked behind you to where he was just to jump in surprise as he was right behind you "what do we have here?" "Ummm me?" He chuckled and looked at you with his golden eyes , you leaned back alittle cause.... well..... HIS SEXY FACE WAS A FEW INCHES AWAY FROM YOURS "you huh? ..very well then , who are you?" You tried to speak normally and prevent the blush from coming to your face "(y/n)(l/n) the hayline's (y/n/n) (nickname mine is Demon Electra) the dragon of (y/e) (mine is thunder what's yours? Mudai: storm)" 'why the hell are you telling him?... sssshhhhh' "well (y/n) I'm Chase young Emperor of darkness" he said smirking his usual smirk while (s/n) was yelling at you mentally for why you're talking to him "usually my jungle cats don't get along with anyone but me" he said glancing at the tiger you where petting few seconds ago "o-oh really?" "Yeah they usually just eat them" you retreated your hands paling alittle 'idiot why are you scared just punch this idiot and let's get going' you ignored her because when you retreated from the tiger you came face to face with Chase again , this time much closer that you could feel his breath on your face, you blushed pink as you jumped back landing on your ass (the word butt is sort of weird for me) you tried to act cool and thought of something to say "so ..ummm what happened over ....there?" You asked pointing towards the place of their showdown as you looked the other way from Chase "weren't you watching" he stated more than asked making you look at him wide eyed and surprised "what? How did you?" " I saw you" "0.0 oh" "you're an interesting warrior indeed (y/n) I've heard alot about(y/n/n)however I never thought I'd meet you in person" you nodded as you both stood up "im honored , I've heard alot about you too" Chase smirked at you "to be honest I never thought you'd look like that"your head snapped towards him"what do you mean exactly?""Well I thought you'd be a little...older not a teenager(you're one to talk)I thought you'd be more like wuya...hhmm or even Hannibal" "you expected me to be a ghost?" "She has a body .... and not a good one at that" he frowned and seemed to cringe alittle "Oh I didn't know that, wait who's this Hannibal guy" "it doesn't matter , what you need to know is that he can't be trusted and you need to stay away from him , same goes for Wuya but she's less of a threat" "so if I had to choose between one of them , Wuya is better" he nodded his head "you need to avoid both , you're just a child anyway" 'oh hell nah,he did not just say that, let me at him..... HOLD YOUR HORSES I've got this' "excuse me? I'm not a child" "you look like a child" 'let me at him' "looks can be deceiving, how old are YOU anyway? You don't look much older , if anything YOU look younger" steam was coming outta your ears by now " you're easy to anger, that's a sign of immaturity, if you're curious anyway I'm over 1500 years" he said smirking 'psssshhhh liar' "I'm 1400 not much of a difference" "you don't look like it little one " "same back at ya" you put your hands on your hibs glaring at him , he chuckled in amusement "you're indeed an interesting one (y/n) I'm afraid my time here is over ,I hope we meet again" he said as he turned around and started leaving "you can keep him for now" he said looking back alittle referring to the tiger you where petting, you glanced at it and before you could say anything he disappeared in a flash of light "ookaayyy?....." you said as you stood there daydreaming till you where interupted 'Oi why the hell didn't you teach him a lesson?...... (s/n) yes?...HUSH!'

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