Something Important

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This will be starting now and I'm really sorry for it but this will make it easier for me to write which will get you the chapters faster and probably longer

1-Chase's girlfriend now will have the lightning element cause I'll need it for some future scenarios, actually I got the idea and some drafts already, so sorry.

2-the spirits will have a name as well it'll be Spectra for Chase's girlfriend and Astra for Wuya's boyfriend, again it will make it easier and less confusing for both you and me.

3-if I'm in someone's scenario, let's say it's Chase's Scenario and I'm going to mention Wuya's boyfriend I'll write an OC name. (don't worry I shall fill you up on the OCs and who they are with.... Ok a quick one here

Also on the personality and how readers are

Chase:Corra Rodriguez (my OC also my friends name so you'll pump into it on some of my other books and yes she's my bf sister) she's called Corra most of the time, Chase will call her babe if he's flirting but most of the time he calls her my queen, Spectra calls her idiot, little girl, Doggy and obnoxious brat, she's loud and energetic, Chase once threatened the poor girl that he'll put a leash on her which made Spectra snicker, she has a pack of wolves not dogs but spectra is being a bitch and calling her doggy.

Wuya:Noctis Felix Aiden (FF fan here♥ ♥ ♥)  he's usually called Felix by everybody Astra calls him lazy ass and Corra calls him that sometimes too, if Chase is angry or not in the mood he'll call him Noctis or Aiden, his little sister calls him Noct when she wants something or if she's upset and he's comforting her and vice versa, he's always calm and collected and prefers a good sleep than anything (me 90% of the time)

Jack:Liliy Aiden (yes Felix is Niisan's name as well as Noctis) she's called Lil most of the time but if Felix is angry or serious he'll call her by her full name, Chase calls her Liliy or brat......... just because, Corra usually calls her brat or Jack or Taz (from loony tunes) cause of how energetic she is some times, but all of a sudden she'll just shut down and be a lazy ass like Felix.

(I really like the name Felix and Aiden)

example on our edits

Chase walked around his domain annoyed as (y/N) sat on the ground watching him 'he's getting me dizzy, make him stop'. Said Spectra annoyed, you just nodded 'same' "hey Chase, can you calm down a little and sit down, you're getting me dizzy" you said looking up at him and he glanced at you, he was about to say something but stopped and you knew why, a new WU have revealed it self "oooohhhhhhhh so exciting I'll go get it" you said hopping up "no you won't, I'll send someone to fetch it, I need you here, Felix you shall go get the new WU" Felix who was sleeping got up mumbling profanities under his breath as he left 'haha you deserve that....... SHUT THE FUCK UP ASTRA!'.

¶See you in netherworld ¶

§§Raven out~

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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