Chappy 6

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Hey everyone ok so this is chappy 6 and that is all I wanted to say so BYE!p.s thanks for all the reads even if it isn't a lot or y'all

•••••••• SAVANNAHS POV ••••••••

I dragged cynthia down a random hallway and started to freak out. " What are we gonna do?! you can't actually turn into a weapon!!" I whisper-yelled. " calm down we actually don't know that!" she said. "Ok ok yea I guess your right."I said calming down a little but but if course not much. "Well how about we try it?" Cynthia says. "Ok TRANSFORM!" I say loudly. Sure concentrates really hard and then in a flash of blue light, two identical pistols fall into my hands.

"Wha- OH MY GOOD CYNTHIA YOU ACTUALLY TRANSFORMED!!!!!!!!" I practically screamed. "What you didn't expect me to? Wow how rude of you Savannah!" She giggled, her reflection showing in the side of one of the guns. "Well let's go show the guys and professor Stein your transformation!" I said. We walked out of the hallway and back to them. "Hey guys look. seems like or wavelengths are in check!"

Everyone crowded around me and Cynthia and Stein just glanced once then left the room muttering how he was going to dissect his new animal , nor even caring that we were now officially partners.

" Woah Savannah that's awesome but did you know that Kid has the same weapons? Lis and Pattie are also two pistols! But ya know they are each one pistol." Maka said. I looked at Cynthia and we burst out laughing. "Of course we know silly!"we said together. "But you haven't even seen the best of it!" Cynthia shouted her upper part of her body showing.

"Ok one more for now and then you can transform k? and this is one I just came up with that I 'forgot' to tell everybody else k?" I whispered to cynthia " k!" She said

" Ok MAGIC HAMMER!" I shouted. she sighed knowing where I thought of it from. But nonetheless she actually changed into it. "STRIKE!!" I shouted and cynthia giggled. ( see what I did there? yea! no? NO! WELL THEN.. ) "ok let me try this for on-" I started but was rudely interrupted by black*star. " hey you could try it out in a duel against me. wanna do it. wait why am I asking OF COURSE YOU WANNA BATTLE THE MIGHTY BLACK*STAR!!" I sighed. "Black*star calm down. What if they don't want to battle?! They have had a tough day and they are probably tire-" " No tsubacki it's fine we'll beat him and then go to our apartment." I said like I was an adult talking to a child. " Wait you have an apartment? when did you get that??." soul asked. "Well you see you weren't listening to that part of the convo so yea shut up now and patti could you go get a teacher?" I asked sweetly while receiving a death glare from Soul and Black*star.

•••••••••• BLACK*star POV ••••••

HAHAHAH this girl think she can beat me ?! THE ALMIGHTY BLACK*STAR CANT BE BEATEN!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA but she does look quite what's the word.. CONFIDENT yea that's it! but whatever I'll beat her quick. I thought

"Well this should be fun!" I grinned. ************************************

HEY GUYS!! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated but I sorta had a writers block and I'm sorry that this might be short! I aorta type everything either on my phone or my kindle so my fingers get tired after awhile.

ALSO if you know how to add a photo to here using your phone or kindle (but preferably iPhone) and that is all thank you my lovelies I will see you soon

OH and check out my other story it's called " wave alchemist" it's awesome if you like FMA ( and a little fairy tail but mostly FMA)

Ok that is all for now lovelies remeber


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That is all BYE BABES ~ pynkie

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