chapter 20

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Here we goooo
    "Well, first things first, we should start at the library. There is bound to be something there." Maka suggested. I agreed and we were all off to the library in no time.  When we had arrived, we went to the section of the library dedicated to magic understanding and anomalies.

    We had been searching for a while before coming up with nothing absolutely nothing.

"Why can't we find anything in this damned place??" Soul complained. I shrugged before plopping on the ground, exhausted.

    "I'm hungry." Cynthia complained rubbing her stomach. "OK, how about we take a break and talk about this  over dinner shall we?" Maka suggested. "YES" Kaoru said quickly. I giggled but stopped once I saw the look Soul had on his face.  "Come on Savannah, guys, Let's go." Kaoru said and grabbed me from the ground and pulled me along. "Wait up!" Cynthia called from behind us, running to catch up. I laughed and thought about how lucky  I was to have these people as my friends.

    Soul led us to a diner where we ordered burger and fries (5 guys burgers and fries ) . "Oh my god yes. " Cynthia said as she took a bite from a burger. We all laughed at her as she dug into her burger. " OK so, we need more insight than just - what were you doing before you found yourself here?" (starts flashback to first chapter *shudders and cringes*)  Maka asks.

  "Well, I was sitting in my house watching this show, while there was a big thunderstorm going on and - I HAD PIZZA COMING OH MY GAWD MY PIZZA!" I shouted angrily. Maka snapped her fingers in my face, " Focus, come on, focus Savannah." My cheeks flushed as I got back to what I was saying. "Anyways . . . I was sitting there and watching the TV when I saw lightning and a big boom was heard." I said then shook my head, " Next thing I knew I was falling through the sky here."

    "Hey, around the same thing happened to me!" Cynthia said and Kaoru nodded in agreement. "Weird..." Maka muttered. "Hey, I wonder if they -" She was interrupted by a phone ringing, Cynthia's phone to be exact. She smiled apologetically and picked it up to answer it. "Hello?" "mmhmm"  "Yeah, sure." "Right now?" " Oh come on Tsubaki, really?" "Fine, we'll be there." She sighed and hung up the phone before looking at me, "Black*stars gotten himself into trouble again." I groaned.

    "Can I come with you?" Kaoru asked. We looked at each other. I shrugged before nodding, "Sure, as long as you don't get hurt." He did a fist pump and shoved the rest of his burger in his mouth, grabbed his fries and ran out the door. "Whelp, guess this is now a to-go order." Cynthia shrugged before grabbing her food and walking out too.

    I stood up and grabbed my food before turning around and saying goodbye then I ran out the door after them to catch up to the others.

########## SOULS POV  ########

    I watched as Savannah ran out the door before turning around and shoving a fry into my mouth. I could feel Maka watching me so I looked up at her . "What?" I said a little more harshly than I meant.  She just laughed and continued eating, shaking her head. "What?" I asked again. She looked at me smiling teasingly, "You're funny when you're jealous."

   "I am NOT jealous. I just don't like how much that flame head is touching her." I said and looked away. I heard Maka laugh a little louder and I threw a fry at her. "You are so jealous." She laughed . "Shut up. " I said, gritting my teeth and looking everywhere but her. She continued to laugh as I sighed in annoyance.


HEY GUYS. Long time on see yeah? *nervously sweats* Um... If you cant tell, this book is slowly coming to an end. Maybe a few more chapters but i will be going back (in a couple of minutes actually) and editing my cringiness. *sigh* it was so bad but is it bad I started this three years ago? Im sorry. Anyways Here is a filler chapter before a big fight. Honestly, its been so hard to remember this anime as I haven't seen it in so long like gawd.

Anyways dont forget to


and See you next time my lovelies~

                                         - Strawberry-chan

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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