chapter 15

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HEYYYYYY I know, I know, two chapters in a row?! Well the reason is, my friend is writing a book with me as a character ( and I get the cutest boy in the book!) and I have been obsessed with her book. Alas, she said she wouldn't post a new chapter unless I did the same so here it is, Chapter 15. (sorry if it is short)

!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVANNAHS POV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO AVOID SOMEONE FOR A WEEK?! And it wasn't helping that Cynthia was trying to make me get back together with him. All I could do to keep out of class, was feign sickness. good thing I a really good actor...
" SAVANNAH!!!!!! WAKE UPPPP!!!!" Cynthia yelled at me. " NUUUUUU.... I uh.. I uh don't feel good...." I stumble out. " You aren't sick and you know that. The only reason you have been out of school is to avoid Kid. He is getting worried as is everyone else." I sighed " Fine, I'll get out and go to class, but I'm NOT sitting next to him. I feel too awkward..." She giggled and just nodded as she walked out of my room. I sighed and got up and walked to my closet. I got out my clothes, which consisted of ~ A black T-shirt with a white circle in the middle of it *wink wink* some black skinny jeans and I did my hair into two little braids in the front while I left the rest down. I had natural makeup on as well. I felt like being danisnotonfire today for some reason... eh whatever. Maybe his awkwardness will rub off on me and then I wont have to talk to anyone because ill be too awkward.
I went downstairs and got my coffee *Dan and Phil mug guys... (I-I)* and sat down. I sighed once more for dramatic measures and drank my coffee. Cynthia just scoffed at me and continued to make pancakes. But she ate them by herself cause I don't usually eat in the mornings. (I know soOooo mean) "You are seriously going to get sick if you don't eat " Cynthia stated matter-of-factly. " Yea, Yea yea whatever." I rolled my eyes at her, finished my coffee and got up to put my mug in the sink . " Coe on, hurry up, we have about" I looked at my watch and freaked, " WE HAVE 15 MINUTES TO GET TO SCHOOL!" I yelled as I went to our rooms and grabbed our stuff. She quickly finished her food and put her plate in the sink as we ran out the door.
We had to run all the way to the school and thankfully, had about 5 minutes to spare. " oh *huff* thank god we * huff* can run fast!" She said as we walked into class. "Yea, thank Go-" I stopped id sentence as I saw everyone, mainly him. I started stuttering and awkwardly sat beside Soul. I twiddled my thumbs and blushed crimson when Kid walked over. " He-Hey savannah... HOw are you?" He asked, scratching the back his neck. His chees were slightly tinted as well. "OH...Im um... Im good. How ab-about you?" I asked. "go-good..." as he was about to say something else, Professor Stein walked in the classroom.
" morning class, ok so today we are-" and his eyes landed on me." oh Savannah. How nice to see you back. If you like, later I could possibly check on your health later, after school." He had an evil glint in his eyes as he said this last sentence s I just shook my head and slumped in my seat. I heard Soul next to me, laugh quietly at me so I just glared at him playfully. He pet my head and I just huffed and let him do whatever. By the end of the class though, he had started playing with my hair and had successfully undone my braids, and had done it back up into a messy bun, then a fishtail, then a regular braid, the h did this really col braid where it had three different braids in it. By the time he finished this one, it was the end f class so I told him to just leave it. He smiled and asked me a question I never thought I would hear from THE Soul 'Eater' Evans.
" Hey, Savannah, would you mind coming to the movie with me later today? I kinda want to hang out with you today" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, " Sure!" I replied. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
Hey everyone! Have you seen that book I told you about? If you have, comment below and tell me what you think. If you haven't, the book is called " The Extra-Ordinary" And I by my friend Pikachu 9though that is only partially her username on here.) But yea look at it cause it is awesome Thanks and Have a Great day my lovelies! Good Bye bye MINNA!! ~Strawberry-chan

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