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Kevin pulled into the driveway of the house Elian had given him the address for. It was a nice house, not overly flashy or large but pleasant and cozy looking. Kevin grabbed his bag out of the backseat and locked the car. As he walked to the front door he wiped his clammy hands on his jeans. Timidly, he knocked on the front door. There was the sound of movement from the other side of the door. Suddenly, the door was abruptly thrown open and Kevin nearly fell down the steps as a body collided with is.

"Holy hell. You're here." Elian mumbled against the crock of Kevin's neck. He could see the blush sprouting on the other boy's flesh and he held back a soft laugh.

Kevin finally registered what exactly was happening and wrapped his arms around the other boy, hugging him close. He resisted the urge to kiss Elian, in any form.

So there the two boys stood, engulfed in the early autumn air and the body heat from one another as the sounds of the city and each other's breathing surrounded them. It was comfortable, like all anxiety and prior tension had melted away as soon as they made contact.

"As much as I would love to stand here all night, would you mind if we continued this inside?" Kevin asked awkwardly. Elian pulled back, hovering inches from the other boy as they held eye contact. He could lean forward and capture Kevin's lips in his if he could work up the nerve to. Instead, he nods his head and pulls away fully, leading the other boy inside.

"I have a guest room you can stay in if you don't wanna stay in mine." Elian offered as the other boy slid off his shoes and coat.

"I uh would rather stay in your room." Kevin admitted, green eyes meeting hazel as they shared a somewhat awkward glance.

"Sounds good." Elian agreed with a nod. He pulled out his phone and texted the groupchat.

To Babes🤤:

Elian lead Kevin upstairs to his room. He shoved the door open and sat down on his bed. Kevin placed his bag down by the door and began go slowly walk around the room taking everything in. His curious green eyes flickered across knickknacks, polaroids, and the poster covered walls. Elian's phone buzzed and he checked it.

Ana Banana🍌:
Take pics and have fun babes!! 💘

Kevin felt a twinge of jealousy when he looked back over at Elian only to find him staring at him phone texting and smiling. "What ya doin'?" Kevin asked trying to swallow the jealous and uncomfortableness brewing in him.

"Oh nothin'." Elian replied, shutting off his phone and placing it on his nightstand. Kevin turned his attention back to the knickknacks to distract him from the uncertainty that was now blossoming within. "Do you wanna uh change and then we can watch a movie or whatever." Elian suggested.

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